
美 [ˈfliːsɪz]英 [ˈfliːsɪz]
  • n.羊毛;(一只羊一次剪下的)毛;绒头织物运动衫;羊毛状织物;绒头织物短上衣
  • v.敲诈;敲…的竹杠
  • fleece的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 羊毛
    A sheep's fleece is the coat of wool that covers it.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 一只羊一次剪下的羊毛
    A fleece is the wool that is cut off one sheep in a single piece.

  • 3
    VERB 欺诈;诈骗;敲诈
    If you fleece someone, you get a lot of money from them by tricking them or charging them too much.

    She claims he fleeced her out of thousands of pounds.


  • 4
    N-VAR 绒头织物;绒头织物服装
    Fleece is a soft warm artificial fabric. A fleece is also a jacket or other garment made from this fabric.

  1. Then the next year 's crop and fleeces may repay you to the full .


  2. These sheep have fine thick fleeces .


  3. Whereas the Spanish firm chases every fleeting fashion , Uniqlo relies on large volumes of high-quality , cheap items , such as fleeces and jeans , that last all season .


  4. The denser nocturnal vapours , attacked by the warm beams , were dividing and shrinking into isolated fleeces within hollows and coverts , where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing .
