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  • 网络对外法语;外国语法语;额叶癫痫;法语教学;对外法语教学
  1. Chapter 2 is theoretical study of the significance of cultural studies in FLE .


  2. Reflection on the Problems of FLE in Rural Middle Schools


  3. Culture and cultural learning are important themes of contemporary foreign language education ( FLE ) research .


  4. And modules , parameters and the module execution order can save to fle and load from file .


  5. FLE purified from natural snake venoms through the technology of protein separation display the potential value in the application of cardio-cerebrovascular disease .


  6. Culture is an important theme of contemporary Foreign Language Education ( FLE ) research , and scholars at home and abroad have achieved a lot in the area .


  7. Gene sequence of FLE of Gloydius intermedius was cloned successfully and deduced the animo acid sequence .


  8. The c-fos probe was prepared , and the expression of c-fos gene after treatment of 0.025 % FLE was detected with the northern blotting method .


  9. Relative molecular mass was 59 100 and isoelectric point was 4.98 . SDS-PAGE acted as a zone in vitro . High-effective chromatograph of liquid showed a simple peak of FLE .


  10. AIM : To detect the influence of fructus lycii extract ( FLE ) on the lifespan of the human fibroblasts diploid cell 2BS strain and the expression of c-fos gene .


  11. METHODS : The 25-generation 2BS cells were incubated with simple DMEM culture medium ( control group ) and 0.025 % FLE ( experimental group ) respectively , and the cultured generations were counted in the experimental group and control group .


  12. CONCLUSION : FLE can limitedly prolong the lifespan of the 2BS cells , and can induce the transcription of c-fos gene in aging 2BS cells , and provides theoretical basis for the genetic study of postponing cellular aging .
