
  • 网络使受精;施肥于;施肥;授精;使肥沃


introduce semen into (a female)
Synonym: inseminate fecundate fertilize
provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to
We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants
Synonym: fertilize feed
make fertile or productive
The course fertilized her imagination
Synonym: fertilize fecundate


  1. Thanks for watching video How To Fertilise Roses .


  2. This should be carried out in late Winter or early Spring , so fertilise your roses successfully with our help .


  3. By killing4 seabirds , the rats deprive a reef of nutrient-rich seabird droppings that naturally fertilise it .


  4. But Japanese researchers have found that these delicate spheres can each carry up to 2000 grains of pollen2 , and their gentle kiss is strong enough to fertilise a flowering pear tree .


  5. They could also get precious manure to fertilise the fields .


  6. They stressed they had made no attempt to fertilise human eggs with the sperm .


  7. Here'sa close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg .


  8. One way is to fertilise the oceans with iron , so plankton grows and absorbs carbon .


  9. In the early20th century , the world 's growing population couldn 't find enough ammonia to fertilise all its crops .


  10. Zhangzidao Fishery Group , a Chinese aquaculture company , recycles uneaten fish feed to fertilise crops .


  11. Steve Redman from Holland Park in London shows VideoJug users how to fertilise roses with manure .


  12. Nearly all our orchidaceous plants absolutely require the visits of insects to remove their pollen-masses and thus to fertilise them .


  13. Within a month the skin cell was transformed to become a germ cell , which can develop into sperm or an egg , but it did not have the ability to fertilise , they found .


  14. A few of the cells underwent the crucial step of meiosis cell division followed by growth into mobile sperm with a head ( to fertilise the egg ) and tail ( for mobility ) .


  15. It is already operating teams of lettuce bots , which are being dragged across fields in Arizona and California to identify 1.5m individual plants an hour and make decisions on how to fertilise them .


  16. It is already operating teams of " lettuce bots , " which are being dragged across fields in Arizona and California to identify 1.5m individual plants an hour and make decisions on how to fertilise them .


  17. Male infertility is mostly caused by men producing too few sperm or sperm that don 't work properly ( i.e. they don 't swim as well as they should , or when they meet an egg they don 't fertilise it as they should ) .


  18. So next month Dr Tilly will take some of his stem cell booty to Edinburgh to collaborate with Evelyn Telfer , who has developed a technique for growing human eggs from an early stage . She holds a licence to fertilise them experimentally .


  19. They are now applying for permission to fertilise the eggs in the lab. Lead researcher Professor Evelyn Telfer , of the University of Edinburgh 's school of biological sciences , said : " Being able to fully develop human eggs in the lab could widen the scope of available fertility treatments . "
