female gametophyte

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female gametophytefemale gametophyte
  1. The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical .


  2. Molecular mechanism of the regulation of female gametophyte development in plants


  3. There are a lot of free nuclei in female gametophyte .


  4. Cytological Studies on the Formation of Female Gametophyte and Development of Archegonia


  5. Observation of female gametophyte development of Ginkgo biloba and its protoplast isolation and culture


  6. Observation of development of female gametophyte and trend of starch grain in Liriodendron chinense


  7. Study on the development of female gametophyte and embryo in Ammopiptanthus nanus


  8. Study on the mutagenic effect of ultra violet radiaton to Laminaria female gametophyte


  9. Development of ovule and female gametophyte in Euonymus japonicus Thunb


  10. A preliminary study on female gametophyte development in Tulipa edulis ( miq . ) baker


  11. Studies on molecular regulation of female gametophyte development were reviewed in terms of female gametophyte and ovule and integument development .


  12. It is an excellent material for mechanism research on the female gametophyte development of woody plants with its steady genetic characteristic of female sterility .


  13. Female gametophyte formation can be divided into two consecutive processes , namely , the occurrence and female gametophyte spores occurred .


  14. The mature female gametophyte comprise four cells ( an egg cell , two synergids and a uninucleate central cell ) .


  15. Embryological Study on Castanea mollissima Bl . ⅱ The Ultrastructure of the Female Gametophyte


  16. Cytological Observation on Megasporogenesis and Female Gametophyte Development of Lilium dauricum Ker-Gawler


  17. It was found that CaM and Cyclin C-like protein played an important role in the free nuclei mitosis of female gametophyte .


  18. The female gametophyte is reduced , but larger than in angiosperms ; it is not autotrophic .


  19. Embryonic Studies On Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC II - Megasporogenesis And Female Gametophyte , Embryo and Endosperm Developments


  20. Macrosporogenesis and Development of the Female Gametophyte in Cornus officinalis Sieb . et Zucc


  21. The phase of free nuclei of female gametophyte lasted for 12 months , and it took about 7 days to develop from nuclei phase to cell phase .


  22. It takes 19 & 21 days to finish the course from the differentiation of archesporial cell , the development and maturity of female gametophyte to anthesis .


  23. Investigation on embryology of Trillium tschonoskii maxim . ⅰ . & megasporogenesis and the formation of the female gametophyte


  24. I speculate that this type of female gametophyte may be the minimal sexually functional size , and that it is likely to be plesiomorphic for flowering plants .


  25. If some unusual happen in internal and external condition during the continuous development process of male gametophyte , male gametophyte would be sterile , and all the same in the female gametophyte .


  26. The investigation of the structures of reproductive organs , megasporogenesis , microsporogenesis and the development of male and female gametophyte in Dendrocalamus sinicus are made using normal paraffin method in this article .


  27. Embryo sac , the female gametophyte of plants , plays important roles in the pollination and fertilization process . Compatible embryo sac-pollen tube interaction and sperm-egg cell interaction are required for successful fertilization .


  28. The polar and egg nuclei of the female gametophyte are genetically identical . A copy of the decision of approval or disapproval shall be sent to the CIRC at the same time .


  29. Observed on Viola prionantha Bunge the development of megasporogenesis and the formation of female gametophyte , results demonstrated that , Viola prionantha Bunge ovary 1 room early , 3 carpels ;


  30. 4096 free nuclei ( actual counting , 3733 & 4224 ones ) are produced through 12 times of repeated divisions of the functional megaspore , then cell walls appear among the free nuclei and cellular female gametophyte is formed .
