federal official

美 [ˈfedərəl əˈfɪʃl]英 [ˈfedərəl əˈfɪʃl]
  • 联邦官员
federal officialfederal official


any federal law-enforcement officer
Synonym: Federal Fed


  1. But at least one federal official who helps coordinate nanotechnology research says that much of what the report advocates is being done already .


  2. He took the train from his home in washington , d.c. , to Philadelphia and met bill swersky , a59-year-old federal official .


  3. If you have been the subject of an arrest by the police or other state or federal official which took place without probable cause , in bad faith or if someone deprived you of your liberty .


  4. But it actually prohibits any federal official from spending money to keep a failing institution alive , and it also repeals the authority under which the Federal Reserve loaned $ 85bn to AIG .


  5. A federal official said in an interview on Thursday that two large studies involving thousands of patients were planned to begin soon in West Africa , and were expected to be described in detail on Friday by the World Health Organization .


  6. A federal health official says this backs up their testing .


  7. A federal labor official began meeting with representatives of the Pacific Maritime Association and the Longshore and warehouse union .


  8. Swine flu is spreading so far and fast in the U.S.that state health officials may soon stop counting individual cases , a federal health official said Monday .


  9. Comments by a senior Federal Reserve official raised hopes for a US interest rate cut next month , unleashing a wave of bullish sentiment which swept across the Pacific .


  10. Ted Truman , a former US Treasury and Federal Reserve official now at the Peterson Institute in Washington , says : Mixing up intervention and monetary policy can be dangerous .


  11. Data revisions underscored the likelihood of strong third-quarter growth in the US yesterday , as a hawkish Federal Reserve official raised the possibility of cutting short its planned purchases of mortgage-related securities .


  12. One senior federal law enforcement official said this week that investigators still had many unanswered questions .


  13. In the United States , every federal and local official swears an oath to the Constitution .


  14. One federal law enforcement official said Mr. Blatter 's fate would " depend on where the investigation goes from here . "


  15. We learned from a federal law enforcement official who irregularly briefed on the investigation that images of two men there are two photographs we are talking about here ,


  16. On Tuesday , the Federal Reserve offered official support to their belief that the US , along with much of the rest of world , faces years of Japanese-style price stasis .


  17. Federal law enforcement official says the woman , 34-year-old Miriam Carey , had reportedly been in deteriorating mental state and had been fired from a job as a dental hygienist .


  18. A federal law enforcement official says investigators in Britain have found at least one martyrdom tape at the home of a suspect in the alleged plot of blow-up ten jet liners over the Atlantic .
