
  • n. 束;神经束;分册


a bundle of fibers (especially nerve fibers)
Synonym: fiber bundle fibre bundle fascicle


  1. Results : GDNF mRNA was mainly located in neuronal processes , especially in fasciculus .


  2. 2-5 layers of the perineurial cells surround the nerve fasciculus .


  3. Injection in exterior OMN affected little parts of medial longitudinal fasciculus and OMN .


  4. The results showed FA increase . AD and RD decrease in corpus callosum , rona radiata and superior longitudinal fasciculus .


  5. The results are as follows : 1.An is situated on the medial side of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis ;


  6. Methods : To observe the electrical threshold of excitation and behavior reaction of5 cases during the SPR resect the nerve fasciculus of lower threshold and reacted spreading phenomenon .


  7. Results The tumor cells were spindle and arranged in fasciculus , The nuclei displayed mild to moderate atypia with mitotic figures counted 3-4 / 10HPF .


  8. Objective To investigate the feasibility of applying diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) - based arcuate fasciculus tractography and intraoperative arcuate fasciculus navigation for neurosurgery .


  9. Fraction of anisotropy values and the tracked fasciculus in left corticospinal tract decreased , and the connecting fibers between Broca and Wernicke areas also decreased as compared with those in the contralateral area .


  10. Results Significant reductions in anisotropy were found in the white matter of bilateral mesial temporal lobes , right middle temporal gyrus and left parietal lobe , left lateral capsule , right superior longitudinal fasciculus and fornix .


  11. Under light microscope , the new small vessels in fasciculus in the microscope group were more significantly than that in the control group , and the vacuoles due to degeneration necrosis of nerve fiber were less significantly than that in the control group .


  12. Intense MOR-Li was also observed in the interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract , lateral reticular formation of the medulla oblongata , the fasciculus retroflexus , solitary tract and spinal trigeminal tract .


  13. Simulation shows that more precise results can be obtained by using these two interpolation algorithms compared with the traditional linear ones . Besides , structural features such as the raw signal edge can be reserved effectively , hence facilitating further research such as neural fasciculus tracing . 4 .


  14. Conclusions : Ponceau 2R - brilliant green double staining technique can clearly display the CST in the brain stem and spinal cord and offer a quick , simple and reliable means for demonstrating the localization of fasciculus in the research of central nervous system injury and repair .
