false hope

美 [fɔːls hoʊp]英 [fɔːls həʊp]
  • 虚幻的希望
false hopefalse hope
  1. Why give people false hope ?


  2. It 's also extremely beneficial for suggesting user names , as you did in this article , because it gives a user false hope when a page is submitted , only to refresh with error messages .


  3. Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope .


  4. Look , I don 't want to give you guys any false hope .


  5. False hope will only make you suffer .


  6. To the youth , it offers only false hope .


  7. We 've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope .


  8. I assume you 're not filling their heads with false hope .


  9. You 're giving false hope to a family that 's been wrecked .


  10. When all that false hope gets yanked out from under her .


  11. This gave the family false hope that she was still alive , because messages were disappearing .


  12. Pumped her upwith too much false hope .


  13. Don 't say anything that might give him false hope , such as I 'll still be here if you need someone to talk to .


  14. Never overpower your Boat . a horse is a false hope ; his great power will not make any man free from danger .


  15. Some phone messages may have been deleted to make room for more messages , giving her family false hope that she was still alive .


  16. Don 't say anything that might give him false hope , such as " I 'll still be here if you need someone to talk to . "


  17. Others warn you to not expect " too much " or have " false hope . " Tell'em to shove it .


  18. We 've been asked to pause for a reality check . We 've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope .


  19. The term false hope is an oxymoron , and the person feeding you this crud is a moron .


  20. Instead of us patiently cultivating the talents that we have , we sell our birthright of success and prosperity for a false hope ;


  21. With oil prices also falling , to depend on Middle Eastern or Russian markets would be false hope , as would be to wait for the US and Europe to stimulate consumption and suck up exports .


  22. I 'm glad I didn 't wallow in denial -- or in false hope . Some might say I doomed my marriage by giving up that hope and planning for the worst .


  23. Maitland said It 's the most exciting thing I have seen in10 years , but we don 't want to give people false hope , because the therapies for treating tumour stem cells have still to be developed .


  24. and that some answer-phone messages were deleted , giving her family false hope that she was still Police say it appears that relatives of those killed in the 2005 London bombing victims , and the parents of dead soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan also are on the list of possible victims .


  25. Many saw in Mr. Jis desperate act a striking indictment of Chinas petitioning system , which has long been criticized for being ineffective and giving people false hope , and some worried that the attention Mr. Ji has received as a result of the bombing could encourage others to follow suit .


  26. In my heart my dreams will come true , there is nothing false about hope , we believe .


  27. But in the unlikely story that is America , there has never been anything false about hope .


  28. No false ray of hope .
