fallen woman

美 [ˌfɔːlən ˈwʊmən]英 [ˌfɔːlən ˈwʊmən]
  • n.堕落的妇女(旧时指有奸情的)
fallen womanfallen woman


a way of describing a woman in the past who had a sexual relationship with sb who was not her husband

  1. The preacher may love a fallen woman .


  2. If only you can succeed , it doesn 't matter if I am fallen woman .


  3. She 's a fallen woman !


  4. Here , seen only by his eyes , the scarlet letter need not burn into the bosom of the fallen woman !


  5. This paper examines the writing of Victorian fiction , especially " the fallen woman " issue which often appears in the classical novels written during this period of time .


  6. Sister Carrie is the story of a poor country girl full of desires who becomes " a fallen woman " in the city and rises to success as an actress ;


  7. From the viewpoint of French Glaymas structuralist semiotic , we analyze the love story and the deep significance of Dumas of Dumas novel the fallen woman with the theory of narrative grammar .


  8. Then why - since the choice was with himself - should the individual , whose connection with the fallen woman had been the most intimate and sacred of them all , come forward to vindicate his claim to an inheritance so little desirable ?


  9. A student at Huainan Normal University is seeking witnesses who saw her helping an elderly resident who had fallen , after the woman 's family accused her of being the cause of the old lady 's fall .
