exact sequence

美 [ɪɡˈzækt ˈsiːkwəns]英 [ɪɡˈzækt ˈsiːkwəns]
  • 网络正合列;正合序列;恰当序列
exact sequenceexact sequence
  1. Further Discussion of Short Exact Sequence in Tube Category


  2. An exact sequence on Symplectic manifold ;


  3. Please try to recall the exact sequence of events that night .


  4. In exact sequence that Roy did before he died ?


  5. We create a test script by capturing an exact sequence of exact keystrokes , mouse movements , or commands .


  6. What 's worse is knowing you 'll have to repeat this exact sequence of code in every POJO you write .


  7. You should always read this file before starting a FixPak installation in order to understand the exact sequence of steps you should follow .


  8. This eight-step merged workflow shows the dynamic nature of business workflows , because the exact sequence of tasks can only be decided at run time .


  9. The exact sequence of events that resulted in American forces being ordered into action just over a fortnight later is now hotly disputed .


  10. In this paper , from the six-term exact sequence , it is proved that the direct sum of Z and K1 - group of a Toeplitz algebra is always isomorphic to the topological K1 - group of the boundary of the relative domain .


  11. Xi researched the Hochschild cohomology of algebras with homological ideals in 2000 and proved that , if Φ : A → B is a homological epimorphism , Hi ( A ) and Hi ( B ) can be connected with a long exact sequence .


  12. Yet , that 's what happened six years ago , that exact same sequence .


  13. Since you step through the kernel in this approach , you will not have the exact timing sequence .


  14. Then in the1950s another problem came to light : when a cell is about to split , DNA polymerase enzymes copy the exact code sequence of a DNA molecule base by base .


  15. The Exact Calculation ol Sequence Tests Using Matrix Method


  16. This is the this exact ( asynchronous ) sequence that most Java EE Web frameworks do not support , causing integration with Ajax to be difficult .
