
  • adj.可以避免的


capable of being avoided or warded off
Synonym: avoidable avertible avertable


  1. Mobile Internet is the in - evitable development trend of mobile data services .


  2. Convergence is the in - evitable trend of communications and computer networks development .


  3. This attribute of administrative ethics determines the evitable way to build administrative ethics .


  4. Results : Most of the patients have basic understanding on medical dispute and think it is evitable .


  5. Hence , the complicated cyclic correlation in time-domain is evitable .


  6. Conclusion It is in - evitable to take the meaningful measures to keep the vectors under control .


  7. Nowadays , the globalization becomes an evitable trend , and the economic globalization will lead to the cultural globalization consequently .


  8. It is evitable for system ethic to replace individual ethic , which is also the practical basis for governing the country with moral .


  9. Well , you wither away , either way , on identic day you die , so I think that process is evitable .


  10. Nowadays , the issue on Green Trade Barriers is not evitable in the international trade . As a weak industry , agriculture is easily influenced .


  11. However , it is evitable that optical beam will be disturbed by atmospheric turbulence caused by heat transmission because the communication channel is atmospheric turbulence .


  12. So , the speed transducer is also evitable . It is easy to integrate the proposed method with the condition monitoring and faults diagnosis system for asynchronous motors .


  13. As the means of reducing inevitable costs and eliminating evitable ones , the measures to prevent the production of costs are discussed in the third part of this paper .


  14. Green housing is not only an evitable trend of its developing in the21th century , but also an evitable result when people 's lives reach a fairly high level .


  15. The death analysis showed mortality of the critical child patients with respiratory tract infection or complication of respiratory tract infection ( evitable causes ) reduced significantly ( 54.9 % ) .


  16. At the same time China has given proof of progress and capacity for stubborn resistance , and it is inconceivable that there should be fierce attacks by Japan without in evitable resistance by china .


  17. So it is evitable to study our university sci-tech system reform . So it is a vital topic to research the development and reform of sports science and technology system is very necessary not only to the practice but also to theoretic .


  18. Myocardial suppressing and myocardial hibernating are belong to survival myocardial , cellular damage is evitable , the myocardial function will recover normal partly or completely once the amount of blood supplying myocardial get recover or oxygen get increment .


  19. Next , after analysis on some shortcomings present to coal computation and the course of coal blending , such as some evitable wastes of energy sources , the paper introduces another arithmetic used for on-line measuring in coal transfer system two segments pre-collecting data arithmetic .
