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  • 网络乙基叔丁基醚;乙基叔丁醚;流行性乙型脑炎;乙基第三丁基醚;乙基叔广基醚
  1. In the results , self-made ETBE complex emulsion is a safe and effective dissolving agent of cholesterol gallstone , toxicity is slightly lowrer than that of MTBE .


  2. The comparison of ETBE yield via reactive distillation with and without pervaporation was carried out .


  3. ETBE reactive distillation on supported β zeolite membrane


  4. Synthesis of ETBE catalyzed by HF modified USY zeolites


  5. Synthesis of ETBE over mesoporous molecular sieve catalyst sba-15-so_3h


  6. Ethyl tert butyl ether ( ETBE ) is a good additive for gasoline with high octane number .


  7. Ethyl tert-butyl ether ( ETBE ) was fund that a new rapidly dissolving agent yet of cholesterol gallstones in the recent years .


  8. The development of ETBE mixture was introduced and the developing application future of ETBE mixture , especially the application in Japan and Europe , was pointed out .


  9. The catalytic activity for gas phase synthesis ETBE from tert-butyl alcohol and ethanol was investigated and the results showed that the ETBE selectivity was 43.60 % .


  10. Experimental Study on the Combined Treatment of Gall Stones Using Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy ( ESWL ) and Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether ( ETBE ) Contact Cholelitholysis


  11. A reaction kinetic model for synthesis of ETBE from ethanol and tertiary butyl alcohol , catalyzed by HF / USY modified by hydrofluoric acid , was established .


  12. Tert-butyl alcohol conversion of 55.83 % , selectivity to ETBE of 95 % and ETBE yield of 52.46 % were attained under the optimum condition .


  13. Etherification of ethanol and tert-butyl alcohol to ETBE ( ethyl tertiary butyl ether ), using USY zeolite midified by hydrofluoric acid as the catalyst , was studied .


  14. Reactive distillation of synthesizing ethyl tertiary-butyl ether ( ETBE ) from C4 cuts and ethanol was investigated , in which the structured packing coated with β zeolite was used as catalyst .


  15. Cellulose acetate propionate ( CAP ) membrane was prepared for the separation of the ethyl tert butyl ether ( ETBE ) / ethanol mixtures . The properties of the membrane were evaluated by the pervaporation separation of the mixtures .


  16. Based on this work , a separation process for the production of ETBE was proposed by coupling the pervaporation and distillation . The distillation column was designed with the software of ASPEN PLUS , the data of vapor liquid equilibrium were predicted by UNIFAC method .


  17. The synthesis of ethyl tert butyl ether ( ETBE ) with ethanol ( EtOH ) and tert butyl alcohol ( TBA ) by using A 15 , S 54 and D 72 strong acid cation exchange resins as catalysts was studied .
