entrance bar

美 [ˈentrəns bɑːr]英 [ˈentrəns bɑː(r)]
  • 网络入口酒吧;拦门沙
entrance barentrance bar
  1. Channel Regulation at the Entrance Bar of Yangtze Estuary DYNAMIC STATE OF THE BAR AT THE YELLOW RIVER MOUTH


  2. The Effect of Outflow Jet on the Formation of Entrance Bar in Tidal Inlet


  3. The Guanhe River estuary , which has an irregular geometry and bottom topography complicated by the entrance bar , is open to the South Huanghai Sea ( Yellow Sea ) .


  4. There are six types of the underwater dynamic morphology in Fangcheng Bay : intertidal shoal , tidal current scour , underwater entrance bar , underwater sandy mouth , underwater slope , submarine plain .


  5. I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar


  6. Beijing police said the 25-year-old suspect , surnamed Gao , who is from Tonghua , Jilin province , attacked the two without provocation at the " south entrance of Sanlitun Bar Street . "


  7. The stops included a visit to the poet Carl Sandburg , in North Carolina , and a stay in New Orleans during Mardi Gras , where Mr. Dylan was denied entrance to a blacks-only bar .
