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美 [ɪnˈtuːmd]英 [ɪnˈtuːmd]
  • v.埋葬;掩埋;把(尸体)葬入坟墓
  • entomb的过去分词和过去式



  • 1
    VERB 使深陷于;埋藏;掩埋
    If something is entombed, it is buried or permanently trapped by something.

    The city was entombed in volcanic lava...


  • 2
    VERB 埋葬
    When a person's dead body is entombed, it is buried in a grave or put into a tomb.

    Neither of them had any idea how long the body had been entombed.


  1. The city was entombed in volcanic lava


  2. WHO emphasizes that the human remains still entombed under the rubble do not constitute a public health hazard , as bodies do not " carry " disease .


  3. Neither of them had any idea how long the body had been entombed .


  4. Workers are still trying to entomb the reactor in concrete .


  5. As millions were entombed , an epoch began that affected the entire world .


  6. Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings .


  7. Music has here entombed a rich treasure , but still fairer hopes .


  8. The old lady was entombed in the room when the ceiling fell down .


  9. Sixty men were entombed by the mine explosion .


  10. Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings . 2 .


  11. The site is now entombed in the foundations of a block of luxury flats .


  12. His body is no longer in the city of Worcester , and is now entombed .


  13. Until her child was returned , shi decided the garden of the gods become entombed as well & in ice .


  14. My personality was entombed within a seemingly silent body , a vibrant mind hidden in plain sight within a chrysalis .


  15. As the ice retreats it uncovers the foliage it had entombed .


  16. ' You mocking birds , 'quoth she , your tunes entomb .


  17. Learn to live with uncertainty and then you won 't need to shrink the sphere of your activities and interests in order to entomb yourself in certainty .


  18. Engineers plan to shoot heavy mud into the crippled blowout preventer on top of the well , then permanently entomb the leak in concrete .


  19. The embalmed body of the King was entombed underneath or within the pyramid to protect it and allow his transformation and ascension to the afterlife .


  20. When finished , the 250-meter-wide steel arch is to slide 200 meters to cover the sarcophagus hastily built after the 1986 explosion to entomb Chernobyl Reactor Number 4 .


  21. The remains of an unknown Australian soldier , exhumed from a First World War military cemetery in France , were ceremonially entombed in the Memorial 's Hall of Memory .


  22. For I was preaching the gospel of independence , freedom and risk-taking , while they were entombed in the cosy , airless coffin of big business .


  23. His pallor was so peculiar , that it seemed to pertain to one who had been long entombed , and who was incapable of resuming the healthy glow and hue of life .


  24. When he passed away , his family did a divination which showed that he should not be entombed in the royal cemetery but in the suburban dune which is the auspicious place to him .


  25. Though some have speculated that the entombed Giza boats were used in Pharaoh Khufu 's Nile River funeral procession , Hawass said the boat never would have touched the water , since it lacks sails .


  26. The negative impact of S T emerges increasingly and has a trend to more serious . If people do not take measures to eliminate the negative impact of S T , the human civilization will face the danger of being wrote off and entombed .


  27. A French artist is preparing to be entombed for a week inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder in a modern art museum in Paris , after which he will emerge and attempt to hatch a dozen eggs by sitting on them for weeks on end .


  28. The sumptuous marble temple contains two large shrines , along with a series of paintings that memorialize the odyssey of the Buddha 's tooth from one place to the next until the end of the 16th century , when it at last arrived in Kandy and is presently entombed in a small gold casket .
