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  1. New approaches to adjust the material differ - ence in railway engineering


  2. Central Place Theory has a great influ - ence on urban planning in China .


  3. On the E s s ence , Function and Duty of Police


  4. The method of social sci - ence research is the combination of positivism science method and humanities method .


  5. The effect of noise voltage is also discussed . A refer - ence method of determining component parameter is given .


  6. On the Development of Multi - intel leg ence in Microteaching


  7. Ence between two algorithm


  8. The changes of refer - ence memory and working memory were tested by Morris water maze .


  9. The concept of fuzzy importance Is proposed as a correspond - ence to probability-based importance .


  10. The impact on library works such as document digitization , user service , cataloguing and refer - ence is also analyzed .


  11. Data Processing System ( DPS ) & correlation and regression of rock elastic parameters and the associated influ - ence factors .


  12. This paper is to analyze the close relationship from aspects of influ - ence study of comparative literature on the base of literature texts .


  13. A new leader made no differ - ence to Dave and Sol-leks ; they continued to pull hard .


  14. There were no significant differ - ence in egg shape index , shell thickness , shell strength and HAUGH unit among three treatments .


  15. The differ - ence between preoperative and postoperative free to total PSA ratio was not statistically significant ( P > 0.05 ) .


  16. But sci ˉ ence technique is the first productivity again , is to push the progressive revolution power of mankinds civilization .


  17. Unevenness of load distribution on the four supports of sliding-mold concrete paving machine and its influ - ence


  18. From the gravity model ( EGM96 ) we can obtain the long and middle wavelength influ - ence of mantle .


  19. The cultural nationality of different countries has some influ - ence on their diplomatic behaviors . Cultural Education : the Effective Way of Cultural Nationality and Individuality


  20. The Study on the Inner Spatial Structure of Commercial Zone under the Influ - ence of City Spatial Structure Factors & for Tianlin commercial zone , Shanghai example


  21. This paper analyzes the market-oriented financing of the mini-enterprise and compares the differ - ence of efficiency between the private finance and bank credit .


  22. The hydrodynamic effect originating from the vibration of medium and influ - ence of the lining of pipes on dedusting are also discussed .


  23. Based on some special engineering appearances in urban buildings , the influ ence of resonance , hot island and high-rise wind on residential buildings is discussed .


  24. The article introduces came magnetic hardening Nd-Fe-B powder in uniform property and coher - ence magnets performance , shape technique and wide applications in brushless motors .


  25. It has the character of property , subordination , inseparability , prior tempore , transfer - ence , and specific objects .


  26. This paper introduces in detail electronic shielding and magnetic shielding respectively based on the analysis of interfer - ence sources , to obtain the most anti - interference effectiveness .


  27. RESULTS : At d 11 and d 21 after treatment , there was a significant differ - ence in ADL between treatment group and control group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 );


  28. It is necessary for the plan and use of the city underground space to research and analyze the influ - ence on the surface building arising from underground space excavating .


  29. In the external history , the thesis analyzes historically three social factors as exterior factors of sci ˉ ence , such as structure of economy , system of politics and type of culture .


  30. Investigating the reform of British civil service and summarizing its experience and lessons have positive refer - ence function to the civil service system , which perfects it in our country .
