elbow room

美 [ˈelboʊ ruːm]英 [ˈelbəʊ ruːm]
  • n.足够的活动空间;足以走进的地方
elbow roomelbow room


enough space to move or walk in

elbow room


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 行动自由;活动空间
    Elbow room is the freedom to do what you want to do or need to do in a particular situation.

    His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 宽裕的空间;充足的活动空间
    If there is enough elbow room in a place or vehicle, it is not too small or too crowded.

    There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.



space for movement
room to pass
make way for
hardly enough elbow room to turn around
Synonym: room way


  1. There was enough elbow room in this gargantuan aquarium for all kinds of surprises to emerge .


  2. His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room .


  3. There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe .


  4. All this gave them more elbow room for implementing the new policy .


  5. I can hardly move . Give me some elbow room .


  6. I needed a little more elbow room to do the job properly .


  7. They even reduce their own root competition to make elbow room for their kids .


  8. As Mr. Solomon wrote , A century ago , nature had elbow room .


  9. Give me some elbow room .


  10. I can think of one person who has more elbow room than she needs & the Queen of England .


  11. This means that open source middleware stacks like XAMPP might have some elbow room at the lower end of the software market .


  12. Green sites and fairway landing areas should be put in spots with an appropriate amount of elbow room and surrounding difficulty .


  13. The sci-fi campus is Google 's effort to get some elbow room as it continues to rapidly expand while creating more pizazz for its headquarters .


  14. And for those of you at the very end of the alphabet , 1-190 we have a special room for you , 1-190 , so everybody has some elbow room .


  15. We haven 't got much elbow room for making mistakes.If you make mistakes , you 're over the cliffs and if you 're over the cliffs , there 's no rescue .


  16. She prefers dodging yellow cabs and bicyclists to navigating sidewalks teeming with commuters , tourists and cart-pushing vendors , all jostling for elbow room .


  17. As Mr. Solomon wrote , " A century ago , nature had elbow room . " Perhaps the best solution is to wake up to the fact that a century later , there are simply too many humans for this planet to support .


  18. The perimeter of his desk is delineated by towers of paper : I have a relatively big desk so as long as there is elbow room , things tend to pile up , even if some of them do date back to 2004 .


  19. Concluded that : the sales environment temperature of4 ℃, the shear force of cooked meat products is that people can accept . ( 4 ) Study light the sauce elbow color change at room temperature .
