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  1. You 're trying to use your eHarmony account for the first time ?


  2. eHarmony is also available in Canada , Australia and Britain 。


  3. Analysis of the data gathered by eHarmony shows that across cultures couples value very different things .


  4. He worked as a relationship psychologist for 40 years before setting up eHarmony .


  5. Although eHarmony did not arrive until five years later , it developed its own niche .


  6. Like LinkedIn and eHarmony , it advised users to change passwords .


  7. The poll was conducted for online matchmaking service eHarmony .


  8. Dr Warren wants to broaden eHarmony 's appeal and become a " relationship company . "


  9. In December eHarmony 's subsidiary Elevated Careers will launch in the US .


  10. Todd Mahar , eHarmony . How can I help you today ?


  11. and make a grilled cheese and windowshop on eHarmony .


  12. A recent eHarmony study found that a sense of humor is the number one " Must Have " that both men and women are looking for in a partner .


  13. For the 79-year-old founder and chief executive of dating site eHarmony now wants to match job hunters with employers .


  14. Greg Waldorf , of us site eHarmony , is cautious about making long-term predictions but he hopes the downturn may be good for business .


  15. eHarmony to claim that every day on average 118 US couples who met on eHarmony get married -- 2 % of the total number of marriages .


  16. Hall co-authored the article with Steve Carter , senior director of research and product development at online dating site eHarmony . com ; and other researchers .


  17. Security breaches at LinkedIn and eHarmony have highlighted an escalation in attacks on social networks from hackers seeking to exploit personal data , according to security firms .


  18. A 2013 study of eHarmony 's Compatibility Matching System found that even though people with opposite personalities may be attracted to each other at first , the key to a long-lasting relationship is similarity .


  19. The day after Thanksgiving , Trammell sat in her bedroom - the only furnished room in the house - and logged on to eHarmony .


  20. Gonzaga and Haselton asked 120 heterosexual undergraduates in committed relationships to examine photographs of attractive members of the opposite sex from an eHarmony Web site .


  21. College students who reported they were in love were less likely to take careful notice of other attractive men or women , the team at the University of California Los Angeles and dating Web site eHarmony found .


  22. Eharmony , founded in 2000 , today competes with niche sites catering for users from vegetarians to Ayn Rand fans , as well as social media and apps such as Tinder .


  23. Today , I completed the arduous , nearly hour-long process of answering the eHarmony dating questionnaire , only to be told my answers were too " unique " for them to match me with anyone .


  24. He knew a year later . I have never been on Tinder , Bumble or eHarmony , but I 'm going to create a general profile for Jason right here , based on my experience of coexisting in the same house with him for , like , 9490 days .
