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美 [ˈdumə]英 [ˈduːmə]
  • 网络杜马;国家杜马;议会;俄罗斯国家杜马


a legislative body in the ruling assembly of Russia and of some other republics in the former USSR


  1. Last year the Duma criminalized what it called homosexual propaganda and made efforts to ban English words borrowed into Russian .


  2. This is also caused by the new laws adopted by DUMA in hope of mainly blocking the log export and reducing the prices from the national market .


  3. Part Two introduces the major social activities of the Duma .


  4. Let the State Duma decide the destiny of the country .


  5. A perspective of election for duma 's lower house in Russia


  6. The Russian State Duma approved that bill last month .


  7. The new political structure of the Duma will exert profound impacts on Russian political situation .


  8. To the provisional Committee of the state duma .


  9. Any system of law , must go through a development process of starting from scratch , from small to large , so is the National Duma election system .


  10. The State Duma , the lower parliament house , will be able to veto the president 's appointment of prime minister .


  11. The draft law was passed last month by both houses of the Russian parliament , namely the Federation Council and the State Duma .


  12. Oleg Morozov is the first deputy speaker of the Russian Duma , the lower house of parliament .


  13. Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove " God " from the lyrics .


  14. Sergei Markov , a in the Russian State Duma from the ruling United Russia party , said he has heard the rumors of an exchange .


  15. But some health advocates say the measure passed by the State Duma flies in the face of guidelines of the international tobacco control agreement that Russia joined this year .


  16. The lower house of Russia 's parliament , the Duma , passed legislation Friday limiting the ability of foreigners to invest in industrial sectors considered as strategic .


  17. Genuinely free elections would lead to a Duma with a real opposition that would be able to challenge the Kremlin rather than simply acting as its echo chamber .


  18. The order of this part is that introducing the research background and method about this article . Second , the historical development of the electoral system of the State Duma of the Russian Federation .


  19. The author has come to a different conclusion based on historic fact that it is a quasi legislative assembly body in Russia , which builds up the framework of legislative Duma afterwards .


  20. The first session of the Duma is from April 27 ~ ( th ), 1906 to July 9 ~ ( th ), 1906 , existing only for 72 days ;


  21. He was one of the founders of the Union of Right Forces and was elected to the Duma , the lower house of the Russian parliament where he sat between 1999 and 2003 .


  22. He was one of the founders of the " Union of Right Forces " and was elected to the Duma , the lower house of the Russian parliament where he sat between 1999 and 2003 .


  23. There were reports of widespread cheating in the elections for parliament , the Duma , last year . Those claims led to the largest street demonstrations in the country since the Soviet Union collapsed twenty years ago .


  24. By briefly analyzing the characteristics of the Fourth Duma Election and the Presidential Election in Russia , this essay elaborates on the background against which Russian politics is entering into a new era and the impact of the election results on Russian politics .


  25. Russian State Duma lawmakers Svetlana Khorkina , left , and Alina Kabayeva , right , who are both gymnastics champions , are shown at the first parliamentary session in Moscow , Russia on Dec.24,2007 .


  26. It 's a shame that the windows and balcony doors don 't open more than about 10cm , though I suspect that 's to prevent guests from taking pot shots at politicians because rooms on the left of the building directly face the State Duma .


  27. The third session is from June 3 ~ ( rd ) 1907 to June 8 ~ ( th ), 1912 , then the Czar enacted an issue to stop the activity of the Duma and on August 29 ~ ( th ) abolished it ;
