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  1. Later in his life , Dufu was very poor .


  2. In the development of realistic poetry , Dufu 's narrative poems are of great importance .


  3. The first section summarizes the development and the change about the research of the poem of DuFu .


  4. The poems by Dufu exerted a significant impact on the Basyous poetic creation .


  5. The depressed style of pause and Transition and personality & simply discuss Du - fu and " Dufu of song poetry "


  6. The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world .


  7. Lishangyin 's seven-syllable formed another peak after Dufu .


  8. Dufu s Kuizhou poems reflect that the whole agriculture of Kuizhou during the Tang Dynasty was backward , handicraft industry was a little developed , and the most developed one was commerce .


  9. Dong Yangxing 's Xuan Zhu Du Shi is an important , nowadays-existing book of high quality and with the maximum number of reading-notes on Dufu 's poems in Yuan Dynasty .


  10. The artistry of Dufu 's expression in his poetry is abundant . I try to analyse its three aspects in the paper , namely , the self-separation , the picture with plenty meaning , the contrast .


  11. In 2012 , for example , one of the year 's most popular Internet memes was photoshopped pictures of revered Chinese poet Dufu , who was variously pictured by netizens as being dressed like Ronald McDonald , wearing a bikini and tangoing with a rose in his mouth .
