
  • n.所有权;权利,所有权,权利的对象
  1. The club could unite the local media units and manage the correlative droit together .


  2. Critical resources should be segmentable droit collective , even virtual .


  3. The origin of capital is different , property is different , droit is different also .


  4. Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit .


  5. What is is state-owned land access mortgaged and the relation of building droit ?


  6. The highly anticipated Motorola droit 3 finally has an official release date and price .


  7. Discussion on the Droit Conflicts in Library


  8. Its basis basically is the immanent and external demand of the droit of factor of production and market economy .


  9. The sun that from building droit card signs and issue rises , buyer begins to acquire building property .


  10. Rate is building droit card cost of production 10 yuan of / this , stamp duty 5 yuan of / this .


  11. The Nature of Right in Rem of Bare-Boat Charter Droit


  12. The Relativization of Chattel and Real Estate & Also on the Impact of Classification of Real Goods on the Evolution of Droit Concept


  13. Not of patent application , without droit , what be used by other random is jural do not protect without proclaimed in writing .


  14. You haven 't droit of friend !


  15. If acquire the commodity house of droit , build room , allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room , economy applicable room .


  16. The origin of Droit de Suite has the theoretic rational basis owing to its conformity with the value orientation of fairness and justice .


  17. The action of the droit of factor of production and aborning of factor of production is to press foundation of theory of distributive of factor of production .


  18. His views and ideas became the fundamental spirit of capitalism afterwards , and exerted a great influence on the development of modern western philosophy of droit and politics .


  19. The droit required by normal people , by disadvantage groups , by history and future , so much as animal , foliage , steams and valley .


  20. Self-defense is a means of self-help by which a civics can achieve his droit , it 's usually an important part and focus of Criminal Law .


  21. The citizen applies for building droit to register , must use census register full name , do not get use alias , alias or anonym .


  22. Clearly stipulate the law status of enterprise labors , having the laboring droit reverted to laboring power and obtaining the same law status with capital power ;


  23. Chapter four chiefly discusses how to protect copyright by means of law , and introduces the main body , object of copyright and the droit system of copyright law in detail .


  24. Since the birth of employee stock ownership plan in 1960s ' America , the employee 's droit in sharing ownership of enterprise is being more and more valued by people .


  25. If what you say , droit is others , and you are patted the photograph is to do business , in agree to be used as commerce without them buy tort .


  26. In this regard , five major principles must be ensured , which comprise droit guarantee , legal principle of tort , fair liability , reasonable almsgiving , and proportioned benefit .


  27. The separation of the two rights refers to the separation of the droit of the capital and the droit of the assets . The separation brings entrustment risk to the stockholders .


  28. However , as to distribution of the bankruptcy properties , the Bankruptcy Law does not distribute properties in proportion according to creditors and obliges ' request in practice , but differs with different droit characters .


  29. No report has appeared and no such agreements have been made – or are likely to be , since there is no flicker of interest in droit de suite in the US , Switzerland or China .


  30. Traditional authors hope that the droit of their traditional writings can be expanded to Net , and those who have get benefit from Net hope that the rights and interests of Net can be protected by traditional copyright .
