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  • 网络二磷酸甘油酸盐;二丙二醇;一缩二丙二醇;二苯胍;二磷酸甘油酸
  1. Group Key Agreement Protocol for DPG


  2. By the experimental result , we clarify every factor under utility model impact on optimum planning solution and DPG algorithm complexity .


  3. The intracellular concentration of 2,3 DPG , ATP and SOD of erythrocyte were measured .


  4. The Development of DPG Analytical Plotter


  5. Differences in ATP and 2.3 DPG concentration were not significant between two methods , but 2.3 DPG was significantly lower than that of fresh , non frozen cells .


  6. We propose a new data model named DPG ( Directed Probability Graph ) to represent the documents , which makes it easy to recognize the shared phrases of them .


  7. AIM : To investigate the effect and safety of 1 % diclofenac potassium gel ( DPG ) for external application in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis ( OA ) .


  8. Objective To explore the effect of Tangweikang ( TWK , a TCM compound ) in treating gastric peptidergic nerve of diabetic gastroparesis ( DPG ) .


  9. DPG profile lies in the front of the palaeo-alluvial-pluvial fans of Ta'ershan hill , and TSC and LGK profiles on the4th terrace of Fenhe River .


  10. Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of diclofenac potassium gel ( DPG ) and diclofenac sodium gel ( DSG ) in local treatment of patients with local rheumatic pain syndrome ( LRPS ) .


  11. As a new type , the DPG tube cold-rolling mill with multi roll-rows is capable of rolling tubes with tremendous deformation by means of multi-rows of small-diameter rolls with different rolling radii and identical variable section passes .


  12. Objective To search for an optimal preservative medium for preservation of 2,3 diphosphoglyceric acid ( 2,3 DPG ) and adenosine 5 ′ triphosphate ( ATP ) in stored blood by comparison of the preservative capactity of different medium .


  13. Most of thorium was removed from the title ore in the 6V / V % HCl solution using cupferron choroform , and uranium and remainder thorium eliminated from 10 V / V % HCl solution by diphenyl guanidine ( DPG ) Arsenazo ⅲ n-butanol .
