
美 [ˈdaʊnˈhɪlz]英 [ˌdaʊnˈhɪlz]
  • n.(滑雪)速降,速降比赛
  • downhill的复数
  1. In addition to changing surfaces , a typical cross-country course may also involve twists and turns and short — but steep — uphills and downhills .


  2. In fact , research has shown that running downhills can give your pace a lift .


  3. " The downhills definitely took a toll ," he says .


  4. Add downhills to your routine a little at a time , says Daniels .


  5. " Now , I don 't get as fatigued as much on downhills ," he says .


  6. And be sure to back off of downhills in the two weeks or so before a target race , he adds .


  7. By incorporating downhills into your training , you can weather them better and bounce back from them sooner .


  8. Practice your goal race pace on downhills , and develop an awareness of what that pace feels like compared to flat terrain or uphills .


  9. " Everyone underestimates downhills , generally because they don 't present much of a challenge to negotiate ," says coach and exercise physiologist Jack Daniels , Ph.D.


  10. Through the uphills and downhills of my life , I 've come to realise that I didn 't really ever own my own life . And neither did most of the others .
