double track railway

美 [ˈdʌbl træk ˈreɪlweɪ]英 [ˈdʌbl træk ˈreɪlweɪ]
  • 网络双线铁路;双轨铁路
double track railwaydouble track railway
  1. Numerical Simulations of Air Pollution Concentration Inside Double Track Railway Tunnels


  2. The Test Study of the Surrounding Rock Pressure Acting on the Composite Lining in Weak Rock of Nanling Double Track Railway Tunnel


  3. Alignment Design and Overall Optimization Design for Double Track Railway


  4. Research of theory and method for train operation adjustment on double track railway lines


  5. Distribution of a harmful gas in double track railway tunnels


  6. Risk analysis and countermeasure to tunneling on close-spaced double track railway


  7. A Study on the Calculating Method for Removal Coefficient of Passenger Trains on Double Track Railway with Automatic Block System


  8. Reasonable Ranger Determination of Speed Difference Between Passenger and Freight Trains in Speed Rising Double Track Railway


  9. Research on the Problem of Transient Pressure in Tunnel of China 's Double Track Railway with the Trains Being Speed up and its Reduction Measures


  10. In this paper , we detailedly discuss the Train Operation Adjustment on Double Track Railway Lines , and give a linear model to describe it .


  11. A new , safe and effective method is introduced , which has been practised on the cutting detonating construction of the Lan Yan double track railway line .


  12. For double track railway , the train movement control system our country has can realize station and section integrative control . For the single track railway section , the station and section still use relay circuit controling .


  13. Taking a certain double track railway for example and from the point of view of construction enterprises , this paper makes an analysis into the problems facing double track railway projects and submits its opinions and recommendations of solution .


  14. Optimization Method for Adjusting Diagram on Double - Track Railway


  15. Mechanical Analysis of End Block of a Double - track Railway Box Girder During Construction


  16. Action of traction district on double track electrified railway and its improved scheme


  17. Design of SPZ1100 / 40 Bridging Machine for Double - track Railway Box Beam


  18. This thesis sets up the adjusting model of railway train operations , pointing out the factors and principles that need to be considered for regulating railway train operations in double & track railway .


  19. An Approach to the Basic Layout Drawing of Intermediate Station on a Double Track High Speed Railway
