document of title
- 所有权凭证;所有权文据,物权凭证

Others think that deposit receipt is the document of title and is real right legal relation .
By tracing to its source , this thesis examines the original meaning of document of title from the perspective of English law .
An instrument is a document of title to money .
A document of title is one of the main characteristics of the bill of lading .
Reconsideration of the Function of Bill of Lading as Document of Title
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the operation of the issue or transfer of any document of title to goods .
Thirdly , there is a controversy about the concept of " Document of Title " in the academic field in our country .
In order to prevent the risks from exchange collections , it is necessary for the exporters to control the document of title .
Loss of entitlement to return transportation As a document of title , the bill of lading may lose its property title .
" Delivery ", with respect to an instrument , document of title , or chattel paper , means voluntary transfer of possession .
The author believes that straight bill of lading is " Document of Title ", although it is nonnegotiable .
Bill of lading is regarded as one of the most important document of title , and it plays animportant role in international trade .
The person who is in possession of a note or bond or document of title that is endorsed to him .
The third function of bills of lading , as a document of title , is not easily fulfilled in providing mere electronic documents .
Effectiveness of the bill of lading document of title as follows : the transfer of lading bill of lading means that the transfer of goods under .
Bill of lading is the proof of document of title and freight contract and this function determines the carrier should deliver goods by virtue of original bill of lading .
Equity related loans are loans convertible into equity ownership or loans collateralized with equity positions . The pledge contract shall become effective upon the delivery of the document of title .
Bill of lading is generally regarded as the most important document of title , whose functions have been beyond the scope of shipping field . It plays an important role in the international trade .
The fifth chapter discusses the relation between right of control and stoppage in transit , delivery of goods , right of taking delivery of goods , document of title , and transfer of right .
They shall apply when adopted by a contract of carriage which is not covered by a Bill of Lading or similar document of title , whether the contract be in writing or not .
" Bearer " means a person in possession of a negotiable instrument , document of title , or certificated security that is payable to bearer or indorsed in blank .
Functional diversity is the prominent advantage of BOL . Especially , the function of document of title can not only realize the negotiability of transported cargo recorded in the BOL , but also collateralize BOL in documentary credit and maritime trade financing .
To be specific , the legal nature of transferable multimodal transport document , which is a document of title and can circulate , is similar to ocean bill of lading ;
While the nontransferable multimodal transport document , which is not a document of title , shares similar legal nature with sea waybill .