- n.著名女歌唱家(尤指歌剧女主角)
- diva的复数

Plus all the great divas are rewarded in flowers .
So far the cause of why the divas have left this region is unknown in earth 's ascent to date .
Soul retains such records passing them to the form and divas as necessary in the act of ascension .
He loved the world of glitter and divas , of Judy Garland and Diana Ross .
One may also link up with other ascending initiates for this purpose upon a weekly or monthly basis until all divas have been restored upon the land .
The six-month filming marathon revolved around the eating , sleeping and resting habits of its diminutive divas .
One can assist if one lives in such regions by allowing one 's field to call back the divas ( small angels ) and elements that sustain the nature kingdoms .
This too will be corrected in earth 's continued ascension , as the underlying cause of the loss of divas is understood and rectified .
Divas of the avian world , elaborately feathered birds of paradise , like this ribbon-tailed species , practice elaborate courtship rituals .
After the concert , members of the Metro Divas and Mass Transit Band , still glowing from audience applause , said they would be at work the next morning .
In addition to her big nose , Donatella also has large lips , like the trout pouts of the Hollywood divas the designer dresses .
To Dion 's mock consternation , husband Ren é Ang é lil tries his luck with not one but two divas at Las Vegas'Caesars Palace in May .
A monument depicting two of china 's " super girl " pop divas , in a style similar to those of revolutionary heroes , at a Beijing Art Festival has caused wide public debate .
The number of divas who can hit the f6 in Mozart 's Queen of the Night is vanishingly small , and you just can 't perform The Queen of the Night without that famous f6 .
The19-year-old , who walks on her hands , films herself performing music videos of songs by divas like Mariah Carey and Beyonce , and has built up a loyal following on YouTube , Facebook and Myspace .
Both divas went for thigh-high dresses to show off their gams4 , with strategically cut out neck and shoulder detail , but where Beyonc é opted to stand out in fire engine red , J. Lo went for soft and satiny earth tones .