dissection plane

美 [daɪˈsɛkʃən pleɪn]英 [dɪˈsɛkʃən pleɪn]
  • 网络解剖平面;切割平面;切割面
dissection planedissection plane
  1. When entering the first dissection plane between the perirenal fat and anterior Gerota 's fascia located at the superomedial side of kidney , the adrenal gland could be identified at the initial stage of the operation .


  2. The first step is to analyze the indicators of the femur and acetabulum , including the calculation of center points of the femur bottom , the greater trochanter neighborhood and the femoral head , and the outline dissection of the plane defined by these centers .


  3. The techniques of dissection in the subadventitial plane and reconstruction of the carotid markedly reduced the morbidity of complications .


  4. Method Temporal flap dissection undersurface the superficial layer of deep temporal fascia first , then subcutaneously beyond hairline in temporal area , forming a step by step dissection plane .
