
  • n.解开纠结


the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition
Synonym: unsnarling untangling extrication


  1. Disentanglement refers to the transformation of entangled quantum system intodisentangled system via some physical processes .


  2. The main results of this thesis are as follows . 1 . We studied the conditions of atomic finite-time disentanglement in cavity QED .


  3. When one 's life quality and living environment go far from his spiritual and material goal that he always pursues , the most real thought is to seek and acquire disentanglement .


  4. By manipulating the atom outside the field , we can say that entropy evolution of the atom inside the field interacting with light field appears entanglement and disentanglement .


  5. Disentanglement agent compounded by ourselves is used , the content of UHMWPE > PP and disentanglement agent influencing on mechanical properties , rheological properties and thermal properties are researched .


  6. The results indicate that the atoms ' state is a pure state which is different from its initial state , and the disentanglement between atoms and field arises provided that the atoms are trapped coherently .


  7. Thus in this thesis , we will made a detailed introduction of our method & perturbation based on unitary transformation , and apply it to several models to investigate the Non-Markovian decoherence and disentanglement dynamics of dissipation two-state system .


  8. And detuning , Kerr effect , et al . play an important role for the properties of the quantum entanglement between the atom and the field ( such as evolution period , the degree of entanglement , disentanglement et al . ) .


  9. The finite-time disentanglement , which is also termed as entanglement sudden death ( ESD ), refer to the entanglement of a composite system can decay to zero in a finite time , exhibiting clear difference to the exponential decay of the coherence of a single quantum system .
