
Direct3D volume segmentation is one of the difficult and hot research fields in3D medical data field processing .
Multithreaded rendering & to render to the same Direct3D device object from different threads for multi core CPUs
This screen saver requires functionality that is not available on your Direct3D hardware accelerator with the current desktop display settings .
Results Axial MSCT and in combination with reconstruction methods such as MPR and Direct3D could distinctly depict atlantoaxial joint in full view .
The result was that there were two different realms of hardware acceleration and graphics programming – one built around Direct3D and the other around GDI .
The fact that Direct3D and GDI were built up from different places with different goals meant that they did not work together as well as some people expected .
This technology can reduce geography research expense because the information source is existed map and it uses cheap hardware ( scanner ) and popular software ( Direct3D ) technologies .