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美 [dɛnd]英 [dɛnd]
  • 网络洞穴;兽穴;穴居
  1. He complained that he was been denned access to the main road .


  2. Then operation matrix in aerospace camera is denned .


  3. In assumption 3 a new operation is introduced and the evolution equations of internal variables are denned in the point set of time .


  4. Two independent phase operators were denned and corresponding eigenstates in the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator 's two-mode phase space were obtained .


  5. In the present note the algebraic independence of values of certain functions denned by infinite products at algebraic and transcendental points is given .


  6. This paper presents a synthesis methodology for ECL circuits based on a mixed voltage-current signal representation and operation denned on the voltage and current signals .


  7. Judgement for mode-exciting of photonic crystal fiber is denned by introducing cladding-effective-index .


  8. Sharma [ 1 ] the vector-expression of ray tracing in gradient-index media have been derived and an error function is denned in this paper .


  9. In order to modify the measured heat recovery rate , air feeding efficiency that was denned as the proportion of the real air flow rate through the honeycomb to the total flow rate was presented .


  10. Game trees were first denned by Von Neumann and Morgenstern in 1944 . In this pager , the use game trees for representing and solving Bayesian decision problems is discussed .


  11. Using a set of J-characteristic values denned by Deng and Tang ( 1999 ), we define the generalized treatment-defining words , block-defining words and the relative words length .


  12. This dissertation studies multivariate rational splines denned on the triangulation . We focus on C ~ 1 rational spline defined on the planar triangulation . Moreover , we consider the application of it in CAGD .


  13. The new core department & space project department , is established , in which the project management director leads project managers to manage the whole model projects ; and management procedure is adjusted , the responsibility of different departments and managers is denned .


  14. In this paper , we introduce a new parameter , the shear angle of vector magnetic fields , △ψ, which is denned as the angle between the observed and potential vector magnetic field , to describe the non-potentiality of active regions .


  15. Multiplication operator in Orlicz space denned on finite measure set ; 2 . Inclusions between Hardy-Orlicz spaces and multiplication operator in Hardy-Orlicz space ; 3 . Composition operator in weighted Orlicz-Bergman space and weighted composition operator in Orlicz space ;


  16. In this paper , we study a norm denned on tangent vectors to earthquake curves . We show first that the norm of the initial tangent vector to an earthquake curve ht is equivalent to the Thurston norm of the earthquake measure a which determines the curve .
