
美 [dɪˈdʌkʃənz]英 [dɪˈdʌkʃənz]
  • n.扣除(额);演绎;减去(数);推理;推论
  • deduction的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 推论;推断
    A deduction is a conclusion that you have reached about something because of other things that you know to be true.

    It was a pretty astute deduction...


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 推论(过程);演绎
    Deduction is the process of reaching a conclusion about something because of other things that you know to be true.

    ...a case that tested his powers of deduction.


  • 3
    N-COUNT 扣除额;减除数
    A deduction is an amount that has been subtracted from a total.

    ...your gross income (before tax and National Insurance deductions)...


  • 4
    N-UNCOUNT 扣除;减除
    Deduction is the act or process of subtracting an amount of money from a total amount.

    After the deduction of tax at 20 per cent, the interest rate will be 6.2 per cent.

    扣除了 20% 的税后,利率将为 6.2%。