
  • n.倾斜;下(斜)坡;坡度;下斜


a downward slope or bend
Synonym: descent fall decline declination declension downslope


  1. I looked frontage straightly , going declivity one by one .


  2. He had rolled down a declivity of twelve or fifteen feet .


  3. Study on the Declivity Survey in the Method of Small Angle Measurement


  4. The method and accuracy of circular construction Declivity Survey Based on Intelligent Total Station


  5. Analysis of the Diversity Using DEM Numeral Elevation Model Calculating Declivity


  6. Analysis of Construction 's Safty and Construction Declivity Survey


  7. Deformation mechanism of declivity caused by underground mining movement


  8. A study of test techniques for pile bottom force-bearing layer and pile body declivity


  9. A Method of Construction Declivity Survey


  10. Excellent Type of Lifting and Conveying Device at Declivity Lane in Luxi Coal Mine


  11. The experiments and academic analysis on anti - dragged brake of hydraulic driving vehicle in long declivity are carried out .


  12. Recovering her reserve she sat without replying , and thus they reached the summit of another declivity .


  13. With weathered rock mass and highly precipitous declivity , the complicated composition in the high slope make the slope unsteady .


  14. On the declivity of the Atlantic basin the first streams , branches of the North Platte River , already appeared .


  15. The stability and reliability of tall buildings are one of the focuses of people ' concern and declivity is one of the most important indexes in engineering construction .


  16. To take away this discouragement , I resolved to dig into the surface of the earth , and so make a declivity .


  17. The deformation of level foundation is generally symmetric of road central line and the deformation of slope foundation is mainly concentrated on the border side of the declivity .


  18. The south declivity of Yimeng Uplift and the slope places around Central Uplift are the important areas for surveying gas reservoirs in regional stratigraphic traps .


  19. A precipice is a very , very steep declivity .


  20. The sedimentation area is in the declivity sections of closed / semi-closed sedimentary basin at the edge of old land , which shows the direction of ore exploitation .


  21. The paper researched the braking ability from four aspects ( braking deceleration , braking distance , ability of declivity , brake stability ) and deduced formulas of the four aspects .


  22. According to common problems on spiral excavation drilled-pouring pile , including deviation of pile 、 declivity of hole 、 slumped hole , it analyzes reasons and puts forward relative prevention measures .


  23. They clambered to the top of the rising ground , and found themselves on the edge of a declivity , which sloped down to a clear transparent lake .


  24. The environment of the mountain road is special because of the dangerous line which the blind bend , long declivity and line with the blind bend and long declivity is more dangerous .


  25. The sea declivity was so small , that I walked near a mile before I got to the shore , which I conjectured was about eight o'clock in the evening .


  26. The immense oriented meandering river , along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope , carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin .


  27. Pay more attention to the effect of pump range on engine and hydraulic system , to increase hydraulic driving vehicle security in declivity and plan the ability of engine and hydraulic system in reason . It also has effect on anti-dragged brake performance .


  28. It can be divided into 3 depositional sequences ( succession of strata ), i.e. fluvial facies ( an early deep river valley deposition ) - epicontinental declivity facies-offshore facies ( sheet-like sand );


  29. But if the obstacle is not completely swept away , the war will have to continue till the aim is fully accomplished . To take away this discouragement , I resolved to dig into the surface of the earth , and so make a declivity .


  30. CONCLUSION : Treated with manipulation treatment , intervertebral widening of spine , sagittal plane rotation , coronal section declivity are found , intervertebral soft tissue tensions such as muscle , ligament , joint capsule and nerve root are changed , and three dimension of lumbar vertebrae is rectified .
