
美 [ˌdiːˈbʌŋkɪŋ]英 [ˌdiːˈbʌŋkɪŋ]
  • v.驳斥;批判;揭穿…的真相
  • debunk的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 指出…的错误;揭穿…的吹嘘(或虚假)
    If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.

    Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.



the exposure of falseness or pretensions
the debunking of religion has been too successful
Synonym: repudiation


  1. But there are many caveats and some experts are debunking the study .


  2. We 're debunking that myth as well with these findings .


  3. Still , the misconception persists 65 years after Matlock published his debunking study .


  4. Much of the work of social scientists studying crime and delinquency leads to the debunking of common place myths .


  5. It was still in second place by early evening , directly under a report from the Washington Post debunking the post .


  6. Keen , author of debunking economics , is a harsh critic of mainstream economists .


  7. The debunking of religion has been too successful .


  8. Each day for two weeks , I 'm debunking one " happiness myth " that I believed before I started my happiness project .


  9. To be fair , at least half of our pseudoscience features focused on debunking these practices instead of supporting them .


  10. While it 's impossible to pinpoint the origin of that myth , debunking it is fairly easy .


  11. By type , the Japanese mean blood type , and no amount of scientific debunking can kill a widely held notion that blood tells all .


  12. Still , a quick Google search of the quote yields investigative research debunking claims that it was translated from a Chinese proverb .


  13. The Catholic Church and other Christian groups plan to combat the film with educational campaign aimed at debunking the movie 's plot .


  14. As a science journalist with a regular column in Scientific American , Jeremy Marsh specializes in debunking the supernatural .


  15. The task was to cross-sell the packages to current passengers debunking the perception that traveling with Malaysia Airlines is expensive .


  16. For example , the former governor of Hong kong , Chris patten , devoted a chapter in his book , East and west , to debunking Asian values .


  17. In the spirit of debunking racial stereotypes , the one that black people don 't like to swim , I 'm going to tell you how much I love to swim .


  18. High school , and university for that matter , is what you make of it , and after debunking these negative myths from high school , I wish you have the best university years to come .


  19. Last year , Time magazine published an article debunking the merits of homeownership , while federal policymakers began wondering if many might have been financially better off renting versus buying .


  20. Following the recent emergence of studies finding high levels of coronary plaque in marathon runners , sports medicine is debunking the myth that distance running confers near-absolute protection against heart disease .


  21. But Mr. Cheney 's movie , while teasing at times , does its celebrating and debunking in mild-mannered fashion , making points without seeming to try to score them .


  22. What is amazing about the publication of this research is not that it concludes MSG allergy is a myth , but that a scientific journal still needs to bother debunking such pseudoscience at all .


  23. Men are more likely than women to marry someone they feel is not quite right for them , debunking the myth that women will do anything for a ring and that men , on the other hand , will do anything to shun commitment .


  24. In recent years , leading business schools have made efforts to woo women - recruiting students at undergraduate level , hosting conferences for prospective applicants headlined by female role models and hiring dedicated admissions staff charged with debunking myths about male-dominated MBA programmes .


  25. At dinner with a friend the other night , I mentioned that I was giving a talk this week debunking the idea that we need to grow more food on a large scale so we can " feed the nine billion " - the anticipated global population by 2050 .


  26. Up to now , this post was already reposted 9,259 times , and half of the posts in the 2012 Bar were all discussions about the motive of X from the future , some gave explanations debunking him , but more people praised and supported him .


  27. The kicker is , the ingredients in these products often account for no more than 15 % of the cost , according to Randy Schueller , a cosmetic chemist who has been in the beauty business for more than 30 years and is co-founder of The Beauty Brains , a website devoted to debunking cosmetic myths through science .
