
美 [kʌt ɔːfs]英 [kʌt ɒfs]
  • n.界限;截止点;剪短的裤子
  • cut-off的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 截止点;界限
    A cut-off or a cut-off point is the level or limit at which you decide that something should stop happening.

    The cut-off point depends on age and length of employment...


  • 2
    N-COUNT (供应或服务的)终止
    The cut-off of a supply or service is the complete stopping of the supply or service.

    A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy...


  1. Facsimile cut-offs can occur in various phases of a facsimile call and the failure modes can be quite complex .


  2. Pair it with denim cut-offs and sandals for a casual vibe .


  3. In fact , I 'd feel more comfortable in a T-shirt , cut-offs , and flip - flops .


  4. Now , it is a medium-sized enterprise with advanced equipment and strong technical force , specializing in the production of high-quality fiber reinforced resin grinding wheels and cut-offs .


  5. Since the failure modes are complex , it is important to define cut-offs precisely so that valid comparisons can be made between cut-off ratio measurements from a variety of sources .


  6. Cut-offs of overweight gave better sensitivity than that of the obesity , whereas the specificity of the obesity cut-offs of obesity hade much higher specificity .


  7. Nanofiltration membranes are widely used for two features : first , they have intermediate molecular weight cut-offs ( MWCO ) between those of reverse-osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes ;


  8. When working on a Table Saw , Miter Saw , etc. , never put your hands anywhere near the moving blade , especially when attempting to remove waste or cut-offs .


  9. It is absolutely right to have the necessary anxiety , taboos and regulations , and the necessary pauses , intermissions , putting on of brakes and cut-offs .


  10. We spotted Rihanna in her take on the look yesterday , pairing her boyfriend blazer with frayed denim cut-offs and a sheer striped shirt .


  11. According to the recommended cut-offs of " Chinese adult overweight and obesity prevention and control guidelines " for determining obesity , and analyze the rate of overweight and obesity according to socio-demographic factors , such as gender and age .
