curvilinear regression

美 [ˌkɜːrvɪˈlɪniər rɪˈɡreʃn]英 [ˌkɜːvɪˈlɪniə(r) rɪˈɡreʃn]
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curvilinear regressioncurvilinear regression


the relation between variables when the regression equation is nonlinear (quadratic or higher order)


  1. Linearizing Transformation and Parameter Estimation of Some Curvilinear Regression Equations Each with a Constant Term


  2. On methodology , this paper uses piece-wise linear regression , curvilinear regression and 2-stage OLS regression .


  3. This paper validates the Learning effect of industry specialization by curvilinear regression .


  4. Statistical Analysis and Curvilinear Regression for the Basic Bending and Torsional Frequency of Cable-Supported Bridge


  5. It proposes an adaptive process scheduling approach based on the curvilinear regression that can be transformed to a linear regression .


  6. A study of the inferior alveolar arch in Chinese male adults with special reference to its geometrical configuration deduced by a polynomial curvilinear regression equation


  7. To the disadvantages for unfavorable precision of traditional curvilinear regression methods , the ant colony algorithm in the continuous space optimization problems is presented for stage-discharge relation .


  8. Retained austenite and hardness are in curvilinear regression of second degree of shedding down , retained austenite and impact toughness are in approximately linear regression .


  9. Moreover , the fitting degree of curvilinear regression equation is tested by correlation index , in stead of correlation coefficient which has been unsuitably used for testing in similar works .


  10. During the harvest of the main crop , highly significant positive correlations between the filled grains per panicle or fertility per single plant and their ratooning ability in hybrid mid rice was observed , optimum significant positive correlation was the power curvilinear regression .


  11. Methods The reference values of 32 475 Chinese healthy middlescent men 's hematocrit tested in 380 areas were collected , a research was made about relationship between the reference value of Chinese middlescent men 's hematocrit and altitude by using curvilinear regression analysis .
