cuneiform bone
- 楔形骨;蝶骨

Applied anatomy of vascularized transposition of the first cuneiform bone flap
A case of osteoclastoma of right fibula head and left cuneiform bone
Treatment of congenital hip dislocation by acetabuloplasty of vertical and cuneiform bone transplantation
Treatment of ischemic necrosis of navicular by transposition of vascularized periosteal flat of first cuneiform bone
The origin , course and branch distribution of the arteries to the dorsomedial side of the first cuneiform bone were observed on 30 adult cadaveric feet .
Results : ① The intermidiate cuneiform bone has the least blood vessel foramina with an average number of 6.23 ± 2.31 and the number of nutrient foramen is 2.46 ± 1.04 ;
Methods Based on the anatomic investigations , vascularized cuboid bone , medial cuneiform bone , navicular bone and lateral part of calcaneum bone grafting were designed for repaired bone lesions in the area of ankle and foot , and applied to 55 clinic cases .