
  • 网络托儿所;育婴堂
  1. The " cr è che " is filled with clay or wood figures called " santons " .


  2. Firms that preach about people being their greatest asset should start seeing a cr è che as an investment , not a perk .


  3. It 's all downy softness and noise in a crowded cr è che of emperor penguins in Antarctica .


  4. When the youngsters are around 45-50 daysold they huddle together to form a cr è che while both parents head out to sea - returning periodically to feed their chicks before they are old enough to fendfor themselves .


  5. Which turns out to be a little trattoria where the friendly elderly proprietress is getting ready for her evening 's customers by standing on a table in her stocking feet , trying not to knock over the Christmas cr è che as she polishes the restaurant windows .


  6. Transfer to bowls and spoon a good dollop of cr è me fra ? che over each one .


  7. If you 're making cr è me fra î che simply to top fruits or pastries , then seek unhomogenized cream .


  8. If you 're going to cook with the cr è me fra î che or blend it with other flavors , then stable homogenized cream will do .
