
美 [ˈkaʊntər ˈɑrgjəmənts]英 [ˈkaʊntə(r) ˈɑːgjʊmənts]
  • n.反驳;抗辩
  • counter-argument的复数
  1. Think on all their arguments and prepare your counter-arguments .


  2. Sceptics offer two counter-arguments : first , that the science underlying climate change is highly uncertain ; second , that costs exceed benefits .


  3. I first introduce the concept and legal source of the system of unstable counter-argument right .


  4. However , there is a counter-argument that will also be aired .


  5. The most important part of using counter-arguments to your advantage is to refute the opposing view .


  6. His counter-argument was that if he were home he would have recorded it himself , so there was no difference .


  7. We 've all seen politicians use counter-arguments to their advantage , and they are a key part of successful debating as well .


  8. The common counter-argument to this is that craving can be enjoyable .


  9. Yet counter-arguments do exist .


  10. Once people have been randomly allocated to groups , the counter-argument about self-selection is ruled out .


  11. Where are the counter-arguments to those calling for banks to be nationalised , for example ?


  12. The ideal reader of this book will read it critically , constantly questioning the arguments used , and thinking of counter-arguments .


  13. But there are three counter-arguments .


  14. For the past generation it has been US multinationals that have made the counter-argument that a stronger and more prosperous China could be good for America .


  15. Have ready-made counter-arguments and use them .


  16. The final counter-argument is the most depressing .


  17. But before the west slides into yet another armed conflict in the Middle East , the counter-arguments need urgently to be restated .


  18. The counter-argument is that it is in the Europeans ' interest to receive unbiased and independent advice from the IMF .


  19. A sign of strong character , when once the resolution has been taken , to shut the ear even to the best counter-arguments . Occasionally , therefore , a will to stupidity .


  20. The usual counter-argument to such bearishness is that China is re-focusing its economy on services , which are less energy-intensive and have no real correlation to rail cargoes .


  21. But his conservative outlook means that he does not seriously consider an obvious counter-argument : that it might be rational for the US to accept a shift in power in the Pacific region towards a rising China .


  22. But here are my counter-arguments . First , while the economy is indeed recovering , the report accepts that much economic slack is likely to endure , even on its pessimistic view of capacity , until 2015 .


  23. But there is a powerful counter-argument , too : some business leaders retort that companies would actually do better to focus on their primary function – namely the business of making money – and leave governments to worry about those bigger social goals .


  24. But here are my counter-arguments .


  25. It doesn 't appear to matter whether counter-arguments are introduced at the beginning or end of an argument or whether they are sprinkled in throughout . As long as they are refuted , they will help you to persuade your audience .


  26. Steeped in the orthodoxy that a weak currency was in Japan 's national interest , he was struck by the force of the counter-argument , particularly since it came from an enthused consumer , the perennial weak link in Japan 's economy .


  27. So seductive is the argument that the US should cut out the middle-man , that Mike Green , a top adviser on east Asia under President George W. Bush and a paid-up member of the Popeye Club , felt obliged to spell out the counter-argument in recent congressional testimony .
