- n.科伦

ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : In what way ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : Now there 's not much information about your childhood .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : Your career started in soap operas .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : How would you describe yourself as an actor ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : Do you miss being anonymous ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : Is it your ultimate goal to crack Hollywood ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : It 's the opening night of the annual Puson Film Festival .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : That 's fantastic .
This means that Coren works the same way he did last year , and there are no new pets or mounts .
Coren 's studies suggest that dogs can hear the movements of rocks underground that happen just before earthquakes .
Hello , I 'm Anna Coren , welcome to Earth 's Frontiers .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : She did . Sienna Miller said that .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : Why do you think Asia is so obsessed with South Korean pop culture ?
Coren explains the hug in nature is restrictive and may annoy or frighten a dog .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : How did it feel for those couple of days being normal , being anonymous ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : You made your Hollywood debut in the action film G.I. joe .
ANNA COREN , CNN ANCHOR : Is organic food better for you than the standard fare in grocery stores ?
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : And so did Stephen Sommers , the director .
Coren even found that dogs with floppy ears heard the seismic sounds before the earthquake less than did dogs with pricked ears .
The new study was carried out by Dr Stanley Coren , a canine expert and professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia .
Dr Coren found that in 81.6 per cent of the photographs the dogs had at least one sign of discomfort , stress , or anxiety .
Anna Coren , CNN , Cebu , the Philippines .
ANNA COREN , TALK ASIA : G.I. joe was a huge success . ( It ) netted 280 million plus at the box office .
Stanely Coren , who studies canine behavior at the University of British Columbia , says an embrace between humans signals warmth and affection , but dogs are not humans .
At an extreme end , when a dog is especially anxious it bares its teeth or may bite , but Dr Coren said there are ' subtler indicators ' that it may be uncomfortable .
But Stanley Coren , the author of many books about dog intelligence and behavior , suggests that the explanation for dogs ' ability to sense earthquakes has nothing to do with anything supernatural - and everything to do with dogs ' keen hearing .