
  • n.协调(性);协同(性)
  1. A concept of strength of cooperativity is proposed and methods of their calculation are obtained with correlation functions .


  2. Chapter four has pointed out that constructs the harmonious society in coordination with difference cooperativity thought .


  3. In the mean field approximation , the chain cooperativity is treated as the effective excluded volume potential energy .


  4. Negative cooperativity effect in the binding of insulin and its analogues to the insulin receptor


  5. The Cooperativity of Microwave and γ Rays on K562 Cells


  6. The interactional research indicated that CE / SO 2 showed remarkable cooperativity and others showed simple plus effect .


  7. Modern military tactics cooperativity communication raises many new requirements including multi-mode , multi-band , and expandable performance , etc.


  8. It can not only reduce the complexity of software development , but also improve the reusability and cooperativity of the code .


  9. DFT and Thermodynamic Studies on Hydrogen Bond Cooperativity and Its Effects on the ~ 1H NMR Correlation


  10. Investigation of PVC Heat Stabilizer of Organo-tin and its Cooperativity


  11. And in the hydrogen bonded high energy system , the non-additive effect may exhibit a strong or weak or anti cooperativity .


  12. Two-hemicerebrum cooperativity of visual information hierarchical processing


  13. Several residues were suggested to have important roles in cooperativity using energy decomposition , which was in accordance with previous mutation studies by other researchers .


  14. Hill coefficient of root plasma membrane Ca 2 + - ATPase for ATP was 1.6 , revealing an obvious positive cooperativity .


  15. The negative cooperativity effects of certain insulin analogues were comparedusing guinea pig erythrocytes at15 ℃ .


  16. It proves that Tanshinone IIA has the synergy effect to the suicide gene system and the synergy effect is the cooperativity .


  17. It manifests the foundation of forest resources and ecological environment related industry , the cooperativity of three benefits , and the systematic and social characteristics of forestry industrialization management .


  18. The authors hold correct dieting mode , special oral care , mental nursing and good cooperativity from families and discharge instructions are vital to maintain their weight .


  19. Multiple mechanisms account for desensitization : receptor phosphorylation , receptor internalization , negative cooperativity , and variations of membrane phospholipid and signaling pathways .


  20. Cooperativity indicates that the government should be adept at the " short plate theory ", play the use efficiency of funds , and enhance the overall effect of resources while operating the public resources .


  21. The results showed that , the cooperativity between facultative microbes and aerobes made the biofilm reactor treat a series of different concentrations of starch wastewater significantly and stably .


  22. The nursing intervention must aim at the relevant factors causing weight loss like disturbance of dieting , oral infection , physical and mental injuries and cooperativity of families to ensure comprehensive and enough nutrition .


  23. The scouring process of each single enzyme was studied firstly , then the compound of these two kinds of enzyme was investigated using their biocompatibility and cooperativity . Through single-factor and orthogonal methods the optimal enzyme souring process was obtained .


  24. The key approaches to improving sugar solution filtration were the application of compounding zymin with good cooperativity to improve the decomposition of non-amylum polysaccharide and the transition of damaged amylum and insoluble small amylum granules .


  25. Cooperativity reflects that the value of public resources has a cooperative and integrative concept . The value of a single public resource may be not high , but the cooperation and integration of a variety of resources can reflect the overall value of resources .


  26. In this paper systematic DFT calculations were carried out to study hydrogen bond cooperativity of linear and cyclic clusters consisting of up to 5 molecules of methanol at B3LYP / 6-311 + + G ( d , p ) level .
