
美 [kənˈsuːmərɪst]英 [kənˈsjuːmərɪst]
  • adj.消费主义的



  • 1
    ADJ 消费主义的
    Consumerist economies are ones which encourage people to consume a lot of goods.

    ...our consumerist society.


  1. The consumerist , material world that we live in makes it difficult to keep living a thrifty lifestyle .


  2. Forsaking narrow consumerist ethics , environmental law cherishes consistence of norms and rules and resists consumerism from the angle of maintaining harmony .


  3. Interaction between Fashion and Imitation in the Consumerist Society


  4. China had entered into a consumerist society which helped the secularization in the military novel .


  5. Movie watching plays a critical role in the development of a consumerist society , something China is working hard to create .


  6. We are focused on short-term , consumerist patterns .


  7. Influenced by the communication of the dual value model , consumerist cultural values based on advanced consuming has been established in China .


  8. Consumerist Women or Mothers ? & A Soft Text Analysis of the 2004 Mother 's Day Monographs in the New Express


  9. Laura , from the Consumerist , contacted us here at Best Buy on your behalf .


  10. For a time , the void was filled by the consumerist distractions of a booming economy .


  11. He was a good businessman , but he had the mentality of a consumerist .


  12. The superficial elements of cultural values is characterized by diversity , while the cultural values in depth is decided by consumerist cultural values .


  13. It may sound extreme , but caught up in a consumerist society , Michelle McGagh thought it would change her relationship with money forever .


  14. An article on the website Consumerist points out that the practice could result in greedy , cheap jerks taking advantage of others ' good will .


  15. Cowen suggests fantasising about stealing one of the pictures , thus putting your well-developed selfish consumerist impulses to good use .


  16. Many think the consumerist aesthetic stayed with you ; that the " affectless gaze " of commercial art defined your own art ever after .


  17. At this moment , the Chinese city community has already became a consumerist , and the mass media is doubtlessly become the path that loading " the sign " most .


  18. The thesis analyses the backgrounds of arising of reality TV with culture research theories and methods , and the correlative theories includes consumerist societies and culture , reality and fiction , etc.


  19. But , through the website The Consumerist , the woman still contacted Best Buy and asked if there was a way she could return the items she didn 't pay for .


  20. Some of it , surely , is just the growing focus on the weekend as a time for all things consumerist , with cars dragged along for the ride .


  21. The critical studies of Thomas Hardy have tended to focus on his characters and the social constructions that determine their lives from a Marxist , consumerist or feminist angle .


  22. The consumerist and popular cultural values are woven together , which has been giving a negative impact on and dissolving the traditional values and thus urges the traditional cultural values to distortion .


  23. As far as social culture is concerned , it is a product of consumerist societies and culture , and the result of the vagueness between reality and fiction in a digitalized age .


  24. And Alexa isn 't the only one to have gotten five iPads for the price of one . Another man wrote into The Consumerist and said he had exactly the same experience .


  25. No , in this consumerist age , most buyers aren 't evaluating college as an investment , but rather as a consumer product-like a car or clothes or a house .


  26. Mass culture is not only a kind of cultural activity and a way to enjoy life , but also a form of cultural life operated in a fashion way , influenced by consumerist ideology and guiding the masses .


  27. Both descriptions reflect a few of the ways parenting ( at least in this rarefied socioeconomic milieu ) has evolved since the 1980s into a competitive and consumerist sport .


  28. But at the grassroots level , a third narrative also exists : Jefferson found that eviction is increasingly portrayed in popular discourse as a quasi liberation from a warped , consumerist society .


  29. America 's " consumerist creed " creates a " candyfloss culture " dominated by instant gratification , the fallout from which includes " obesity , debt , poverty and pollution " .


  30. Significantly , the idealistic figures are contrasted with not only the crass consumerist logo but also with the word " NO " emerging as if a thought-bubble from the figures .
