
美 [ˌkɑndənˈseɪʃənz]英 [ˌkɒndɛnˈseɪʃənz]
  • n.(气体)冷凝,凝结;凝结的水珠;(书等的)简缩
  • condensation的复数
  1. The removal of ultrafine particles from coal combustion was investigated experimentally based on condensations vaporwet scrubber .


  2. The influence of condensations conditions on the structure of UF resin


  3. Studies Toward the Stereoselective Tandem Reactions and Selenium Dioxide Catalyzed Condensations


  4. Time Evolution of the Condensate Density of Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensations with a Coupling Drive


  5. Too much of what I know of the great philosophers comes secondhand or from condensations .


  6. These tiny regions may be condensations in the interstellar gas where stars and planetary systems could be forming .


  7. The Propagation of Chromospheric Condensations and the Asymmetry of Spectral Lines in Solar Flares


  8. Chapter two is illuminated the basic methods of the macroscopic quantum phenomena in the two weak-interacting Bose-Einstein condensations .


  9. Chapter 5 : The thermochromism of condensations of aromatic amine with benzaldehyde derivatives were studied .


  10. The images of Minimal Landscapes are condensations of graded landscapes into distinct boundaries , and the approximations of actual living forms to classical minimal perfection .


  11. Research shows that when the interaction between Dirac fermions is strong enough , the Dirac fermions will acquire finite dynamic mass by vacuum condensations and break the original chiral symmetry contemporarily .


  12. In this thesis , the emphasis is on the research of synthesis of a novel chiral imidazolium salt and application of chiral / achiral imidazolium salt in catalytic benzoin condensations .


  13. This device takes advantage of the evaporation in vacuum and the condensations in pressure , artificial disturbance source , destroy the boundary layer , reducing the boundary layer thickness and so on , to strengthen heat transfer in the system .


  14. The first carotenoid phytoene is formed by successive condensations of isopentenyl pyrophosphate . Subsequently phytoene is conversed to various other carotenoids by dehydrogenation , cyclization , hydroxylation , epoxidation / de-epoxidation reactions .


  15. In this area , aldol condensations catalyzed by aldolases are widely used in the synthesis of sugars , polyhydroxy antibiotics , and many other biologically active compounds . Therefore , aldolases are increasingly attractive as biocatalysts and especially important for carbohydrate biosynthesis .
