concluded information

concluded informationconcluded information
  1. In this paper , Chinese Character Recognition is concluded as information carry model of discrete source in zero memory channel .


  2. It concluded that information from the eyes is often ambiguous and confusing in these EXPRESSIONS , with consequences for cross-cultural communication and globalisation .


  3. The results concluded provides useful information for the production of the clean steel .


  4. According to the system real-time requirement , it concluded that the information fusion algorithm completely matched the realtime request .


  5. It is also concluded that in Information Science and Technology , Chinese research is not the mainstream research internationally , and most research papers can not be published in the international journals of high quality .


  6. According to asymmetric information theory , the current issues about agriculture industrialization management are analyzed and it is concluded that asymmetric information leads to the issues of adverse selection , signal transmission , and information screening .


  7. Spaceborne information link of ballistic missile defense systems are mainly described , such as spaceborne information-obtained and spaceborne information transfer . At last , it is concluded that spaceborne information link play an important role in the future information warfare .


  8. DATA SELECTION : After systematically analyzed and concluded the literature information and screened researches without conducting experiment , full text of the rest literature was searched and used as selective criteria if it could be used as prediction indicator of susceptible people to acute mountain sickness .


  9. It can be concluded that more useful information about WRI state can be obtained by the model .


  10. By comparing the site optimization results of two kinds monitoring data , it can be concluded that different hydrological information has different transmission characteristics on the space .


  11. Through studying the current personal information industry , to realize the economic value of personal information , and then analyzing the characteristic of the property , it is concluded that the personal information has the nature of property .
