concept decomposition

concept decompositionconcept decomposition
  1. First , from the link between sculpture and the environment , the concept of decomposition of the sculpture , sculpture and landscape environment , such as the space is isomorphic to start discussion .


  2. The 3-D strain field is formulated based on the concept of decomposition of the rotation tensor and is given in terms of one-dimensional ( 1-D ) generalized strains and a 3-D warping displacement .


  3. The concept of heat decomposition was put forward . Heat to the external cooler consists of both convection heat and equivalent " diffusion heat " .


  4. ⑵ . Based on the concept and similar decomposition of quaternion normal matrices , some properties and judge criterions of quaternion normal matrices are given .


  5. The first part of the withdraw law system of listed company made a brief introduction , from the concept of the decomposition of the system characteristics to the system exists theoretical foundation ( value ), and the system has real sense four administrative levels gradually discussed .


  6. Based on the complex ray concept , the decomposition of 3 × 3 complex matrices is studied using the matrix method in optics . As two application examples , the equivalent transformation of the misaligned Gaussian lens and Fourier transformation system is analyzed .


  7. The concept of lossless join decomposition for DTDs is also defined by the relational representation of DTDs .


  8. Based on the concept of overlapped domain decomposition method for integral equations , an edge slot near pre-conditioner is proposed to make sure that the iterative method for not quite large arrays is convergent .


  9. For the complex internal business processes , high implementation costs and long cycle of the question , raised the concept of workflow process decomposition of the original complex branched processes , simplifying the multiple linear workflow process .
