company limited by shares

美 [ˈkʌmpəni ˈlɪmɪtɪd baɪ ʃerz]英 [ˈkʌmpəni ˈlɪmɪtɪd baɪ ʃeəz]
  • 股份有限公司
company limited by sharescompany limited by shares
  1. But not like this in fact , the theoretical research place the focus and interest on company limited by shares or limited liability company , solely state-owned company has become the research object not paid attention to by people .


  2. Reform on the Organ of Power in Company Limited by Shares


  3. On the Construction of the Board of Directors of the Company Limited by Shares


  4. Where a company limited by shares is merged or divided


  5. A company limited by shares established by the offer method must make public its financial statements .


  6. Mechanism of Securities Market Solving the Agency RiskIn Company Limited By Shares


  7. A company limited by shares can be either a proprietary company or a public company .


  8. The Research on Learning Organization Building of Hunan Tiger Forest & Paper Grope Company Limited by Shares


  9. A company limited by shares has a board of director with five to nineteen members .


  10. A company limited by shares established in accordance with this Law shall have the words company limited by shares in its name .


  11. In China the liability legislation in company limited by shares is too simple and too backward to meet the needs for practices .


  12. A company limited by shares formally delivers share certificates to its shareholders immediately upon its registration and establishment .


  13. Shareholders ' meeting held by the participation of all shareholders is a supreme organ of company limited by shares .


  14. A company limited by shares can increase its share capital or alter the structure of share capital by combining or dividing shares .


  15. A company limited by shares is the main formation for our enterprises in the future . Therefore , its quality of the accounting information becomes more important .


  16. The merger and division of a company limited by shares must be approved by the authorized department of the State Council or by the provincial government .


  17. The establishment of a company limited by shares shall have at least five promoters including more than half of the promoters with domiciles within Chinese territory .


  18. Requirements for the minimum amount of the registered capital of a company limited by shares to be higher than the above amount are provided for in separate laws or administrative regulations .


  19. For a company limited by shares which is established by the offer method ; the approval documents issued by the securities administration authorities of the State Council shall also be submitted ;


  20. In terms of the company limited by shares , the information of the shareholders are not asked to public by laws besides the initial shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of the public company .


  21. To establish a company limited by shares , the board of directors shall , within 30 days of the conclusion of the founding meeting , apply to the company registration authority for registration of establishment .


  22. The promoters of a company limited by shares must subscribe for shares for which they are required to subscribe in accordance with this Law and must be responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the company .


  23. The proposal system of general meeting of shareholders is a series of rules that the subjects of proposals submit their proposals to the general meeting of company limited by shares in order to take part in the affairs of the company .


  24. A company limited by shares applying to have its shares listed for trading shall file an application for approval with the State Council or its authorized securities administration departments and submit relevant documents in accordance with applicable laws and administrative regulations .


  25. Generally speaking , comprehensive commercial insurance and commercial agricultural insurance companies are legal person . The form of organizations is company limited by shares , and they have many similarities on the conditions of establishment of corporations , procedures of establishment of corporations .


  26. In establishing a company limited by shares , the name pre-approval shall be applied for with the company registration authority by the representative appointed by all the promoters or by the agent entrusted jointly by all the promoters .


  27. " Where a Branch or Branches are to be set up after the establishment of a company limited by shares , the legal representative of the company shall apply to the company registration authority to register them and obtain Business licence ( s ) . "


  28. The proposal of shareholders ' meeting means that suggestions which are submitted to the shareholders ' general meeting of company limited by shares by the subjects of proposals decided or dealt with in general meeting of shareholders within the range of rights of general meeting .


  29. Chinese Corporate Law defines a corporate as a limited liability corporate or a company limited by shares . A limited liability company attracts the investment and stimulates the economy due to its shareholders ' limited liability . Meanwhile , it also brings the expanding of shareholders ' rights .


  30. Names or titles of shareholders of a limited liability company or of promoters of a company limited by shares .
