common activity

美 [ˈkɑːmən ækˈtɪvəti]英 [ˈkɒmən ækˈtɪvəti]
  • 网络共同活动
common activitycommon activity
  1. Cooperation is a basic term in common activity and key to collaboration success .


  2. Peer relationship is a kind of interpersonal relationship that obtain common activity and cooperation relationships between children of the same age or similar psychological development level , which establishes and develops during the process of communication between peers .


  3. Crime scene investigation is a common activity in criminal enforcement .


  4. The most common activity before bed is watching TV .


  5. Partitioning services into groups is a common activity in the development of the services and service portfolio in a services oriented architecture .


  6. The result is that skin lightening has become a common activity across Africa , Asia and other areas of the world .


  7. A really common activity for families in summer in Melbourne is to have a barbeque .


  8. Playing games is a kind of age-old and common activity and it is of the properties of freedom , openness , experience .


  9. Running is such a common activity that if the Olympics aren 't coming up it 's easy to forget that it 's even a sport .


  10. With the coming of internet age , surfing in cyberspace has become a common activity among college students . However , Internet is not a pure land .


  11. Decision is a common activity , which exists in people 's lives and work . It is the process of choosing the optimal program to solve present of future problems .


  12. The most common activity was checking email 71 % reported doing this but 30 % said they participated in conference calls , and 44 % said they use these nominal days off to catch up on work .


  13. The most common activity was checking email -- 71 % reported doing this -- but 30 % said they participated in conference calls , and 44 % said they use these nominal days off to catch up on work . '


  14. While only 10 % of workers with smartphones said it 's decreasing their productivity , 81 % said they use their phones for things unrelated to work while they 're on the clock . Those two things are at odds . The most common activity ? Sending personal messages ( 65 % ) .


  15. Ifs our guilty pleasure : Watching TV is the most common everyday activity , after work and sleep , in many parts of the world .


  16. Learning is a common cognitive activity of man , which is closely related to the survival and development of human beings .


  17. The crime of illegal detention is a common criminal activity , which often arises , in recent years .


  18. Translation , as a common linguistic activity , is an important tool of cross-language and inter-cultural communication .


  19. The movement from sit to stand is the most common functional activity . This activity is closely related with balance and walking ability .


  20. On The Theoretical Framework of Consideration in Intellectual Property Rights-The intellectual property law provides condition for the drive mechanism of the human common knowledge activity


  21. For most of us nowadays , sitting is our most common waking activity , with many of us sitting for eight hours or more every day .


  22. Our example showed Waldo 's transaction with two actions inside a common all-or-nothing activity : taking money out of one account and putting it into another account .


  23. The great power of this theory to explain so many phenomena indicates that conceptual integration is a very common cognitive activity , thus opening a wide prospective for meaning construction .


  24. Complaint is a common communicative activity in which the complainer expresses his dissatisfaction to the recipient who should be responsible for his or her loss .


  25. Research on seismicity increasing before 30 mid-strong earthquakes from 1970 to 2002 in Tianshan mountain in Xinjiang shows that it is common for activity of moderate earthquakes to increase before stronger events .


  26. Strong export growth has been a common feature sustaining activity throughout the region .


  27. As a common intercultural communication activity , translation of news and reports plays an exceptionally important role in transmitting information across the world .


  28. Most people exercise in the evening or at night , individual exercise and the activit-ies of participating organizations is a common form of activity , public places is the main site .


  29. Conclusions : 1 . We established the fluorescence substrate assays for measuring the six common MPS enzymatic activity in leukocytes , with good stability , specificity and suitable for clinical application . 2 .


  30. Negotiation , a very common and important activity in the business world , can be understood as a process in which two or more parties come together to discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit .
