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  1. Analysing and Restraining the Surge Current of TSC ARC Suppression Coll


  2. England has a mild winter and a coll summer because it is an island country .


  3. Observation of Enterochromaffin Cell and Gastrin Coll on Human Fetal Gastric Mucosa Using Protein A Gold Silver


  4. This paper describes the effect of shot-peening on fatigue strength of compressive coll springs of stainless steel .


  5. Coll : The amount of collisions on the adapter .


  6. Chemical Efficiency of ColL and The Phenomena of Multi-Action Process of I Atom in COlL


  7. Therefore if the circuit description of a coll is inputed , the circuit layout file will bo generated automatically .


  8. Extraction of Superoxide Dismutase from Bacillus cereus . Journal of Guizhou Agric . Coll


  9. Objective : To know the efficacy of disinfectants in killing Escherichia coll O157 ∶ H7 and direct on-the-spot disinfectant practice .


  10. Steve Coll , author of Private Empire , wrote that he " ruled over ExxonMobil like an Emir . "


  11. Describes the maintaining methods and discuses the causes of COLL interlock in Varian LINAC2300C / D linear accelerator .


  12. Study on the structure ( conformation ) and properties of Coll age / gelatin ⅱ . the separation of different conformations in acld & soluble collagen


  13. Most hedge their bets , positioning themselves as friends to all responsible leaders , irrespective of political or ideological leaning , says Mr Coll .


  14. Effects of Cyclosporin A Combined with T_4 on Collagen ⅳ production , Coll α 1 (ⅳ ) mRNA and TGF β _1 mRNA Expression in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells


  15. Conclusion : The results show that the development of PPP is related to disorders of red coll immunity and T cell network , and disturbance of humoral immunity , which finally results in the development of autoimmune .


  16. Statistical analysis of J. Baoji Coll . Arts & Sci . ( Nat . Sci . Ed. ) abstracted in Chemical Abstracts ( CA ) annual 1995 ~ 2001


  17. Results LN , Coll IV and FN in the basement membrane were stained as uninterrupted narrow line in the mucinous BAC and the pulmonary parenchyma adjacent to the carcinoma .


  18. I had two elder Brothers , one of which was Lieutenant Collonel to an English Regiment of Foot in Flanders , formerly commanded by the famous Coll .


  19. He had applied for a Procter Fellowship . Princeton offered three of these , one in the gift of Cambridge , one of Oxford , one of the Coll è ge de France .


  20. ~ Enhanced CT could demonstrate enlarged and tortuous short gastric veins , gastroepiploic veins , and ~ coll - ~ ateral vessels around splenic hilum ( 16 / 16 ) .


  21. I took over the chemistry laboratory of the Coll è ge de France in1980 and thereafter divided my time between the two laboratories in Strasbourg and in Paris , a situation continuing up to the present .


  22. Study co Biological Activity of Extract from Semiaquilegia Adoxoidex ( DC ) Makino to Insect I.Antifeeding of the Extract to Plutella Xylostella ( Linne ) . Journal of Guizhou Agric . Coll


  23. Mr. Bernheimer , 65 , has decided to scale down his operations . He is closing his Munich gallery , selling his grand Bavarian home , Marquartstein Castle , and is merging Colnaghi with a fellow London dealer , Coll & Cortes .
