cold advection

  • 冷平流
cold advectioncold advection
  1. The main reasons of the freeze injury are long day of snow cover , strong cold advection supplement and low temperature caused by clear air radiation ;


  2. Adiabatic cooling , negative vorticity advection and cold advection prevented cyclone development .


  3. Cold advection on upper lever and warm advection on low lever offered stratified conditions .


  4. Influence of cold advection in MID-AND-UPPER troposphere on squall line occurrence


  5. The straw cover and the upper air smog combination is obvious to the cold advection freeze injury defense effect ;


  6. When the ozone peak value emerges in upper troposphere , there is significant cold advection close to the layer of peak value .


  7. Formed through radiative cooling , the surface fog layer was followed by a cloud layer caused by lowlevel cold advection .


  8. It is also emphasized that analysis of horizontal distribution of instability energy and cold advection is useful for forecasting the area in which squall lines occur .


  9. With the clockwise movement , the echo disappeared gradually . There is warm advection in the lower and cold advection in the upper in vertical velocity profile map .


  10. Hail shooting located in the area with convective instability , high energy tongue at the middle low level , warm advection and convergence in low level and cold advection and divergence at the high level , and ascending motion .


  11. We must pay attention to the southern warm thermal advection as well as the northern cold thermal advection in the cold front shear type rainstorm process .


  12. It analyzes the impact of angles between airflow direction , mountain axis , and warm ( cold ) advection on the mesolow in North China by adjusting the matched patterns of terrain with wind , temperature and pressure fields .


  13. The asymmetrical structure of the middle & low level cold and warm advection is the important factor for cyclone 's development .


  14. The outgrowth of the mesoscale vortexes at low and middle levels could lead to the appearance of smaller scale strong cold and warm advection , which excites the baroclinic development of the mesoscale systems themselves .


  15. The qualitative identification methods of Doppler radar velocity PPI pictures are introduced . The related image features of convective rainfall clouds are analyzed : ① the zero-velocity lines in the wind field related to large-scale convergence or divergence in combination with cold or warm advection ;


  16. The result shown that the cold ( warm ) advection and convergence ( pergence ) in the velocity data were interrelated with the formation , maintenance , and disappearance of the snow-fall .


  17. The results show that the strong cold air flowing into a warm trough induced the first temperature sudden drop , but the second was resulted in the upper cold advection passing downward and the surface precipitation band moving from west to east .


  18. Cold air converged into the circulation of " Tailim " continually from the west after " Tailim " landed and moved to the northwest , but during the heavy rain time cold air advection did not influence Lushan .
