Then the experimenter looks a little embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there 's been a cock-up .
It was based on that very British idea that everything we do is a cock-up .
There 's been a bit of a cock-up over the travel arrangements .
He was in danger of making a real cock-up of this
This was just an administrative cock-up .
What a cock-up , spending eternity with two right arms !
She made a complete cock-up of the arrangements .
If you don 't move immediately , someone else will discover your cock-up and follow the trail back to you .
The detention and subsequent release by the Japanese authorities of a Chinese fishing captain owed more to cock-up than conspiracy .
Do not attribute to conspiracy what you can ascribe to cock-up .
When you dig deep into a CV , most reveal missteps and some outright cock-ups .
A recent Harvard Business Review blog argues that failure is so fantastic that organisations ought to hold a regular fail-fest at which employees wear a pink feather boa and celebrate their cock-ups .
A recent Harvard Business Review blog argues that failure is so fantastic that organisations ought to hold a regular " fail-fest " at which employees wear a pink feather boa and celebrate their cock-ups .
That may account for the most embarrassing geographical cock-up of his career : grafting a sea-coast on to land-locked Bohemia ( part of the present-day Czech Republic ) in The Winter 's Tale .
By the end of the day on Wednesday , appetite for big blocks of CCB stock was waning , in inverse correlation to the tittle-tattle . At best , an everyday tale of cock-up over conspiracy .