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  • 网络中国离岸人民币
  1. From a margins perspective , banks able to offer CNH at really competitive rates will reap the benefits on every trade .


  2. Moreover , continued development of more CNH usage channels allows for easier repatriation of funds to China , which we believe will continue to place pressure on system liquidity [ in Hong Kong ] , he said .


  3. Several CNH executives , including the head of human resources , have been forced out .


  4. There is no doubt that CNH needs work .


  5. But he says CNH is not yet managing its brands properly .


  6. The expected risk in CNH has two main causes which are the policy orientation and the market expectations .


  7. The car side is doing better but CNH needs to be moved on , he says .


  8. Second , CNH is an important incentive to accelerate the opening of the RMB capital account .


  9. Effects of temperature on energy partitioning and elemental composition ( cnh ) in Penaeus chinensis


  10. The obvious answer is to combine the dead HK dollar with the embryonic CNH .


  11. Omni took short positions in the offshore renminbi ( CNH ) market starting in January .


  12. He is now spending almost half his time on CNH , following much the same formula he used at the car operations .


  13. CNH is an important way to promote the internationalization of the RMB , but it does not play a decisive role .


  14. Together , FI and CNH comprise the third-largest maker of capital equipment by sales worldwide .


  15. A non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbon with the general formula CnH ( 2n + 2 ) .


  16. The CNH and US dollar tranches give ICBC the option to redeem the bonds after five years should interest rates fall .


  17. The CNH tranche helps better align the foreign exchange risk [ to ICBC ] , said a banker involved in the deal .


  18. Still , Mr Marchionne has been trying to urge CNH to go far faster than its signature tractors and diggers .


  19. HSBC also said that it had executed its first CNH Hibor swap contract , providing an early indication of what the rate might be .


  20. Shareholders can " earn " double votes if they participate in fi or CNH shareholder meetings or remain on the register for three years .


  21. The development of CNH will enhance the position and strength of Hong Kong as an international financial center , and there is little possibility of RMB replacing to HK $ .


  22. All CNH brands will continue to share engines and gearboxes , which make up about 70 per cent of the cost of most of the machinery the company produces .


  23. The effluent substrate concentration remained relatively constant when the influent cNO-2-N / cNH + 4-N ratio was in the range of 1.0 ~ 1.4 .


  24. CNH missed out on much of the agricultural boom that started in 2003 and the parallel construction boom in China and the US , returning to profit but continuing to lose market share .


  25. The functional position of CNH reflects in three aspects : First , CNH is an important platform for creating and improving the RMB external circulation system promoting the process of internationalization of the RMB .


  26. The CNY would be used for current account transactions such as exports and imports , while the new Chinese dollar ( HKD / CNH ) would cater for capital account financial transactions .


  27. However , due to the concern about the liquidity issue of the CNH money market products [ the offshore RMB ] , the fund was approved with deposits being the only eligible investment .


  28. Objective : To observe the curative effect of Tungda Xingqi Huayu Tang ( TXHT ) for chronic nephritis complicated with hypertension ( CNH ) .


  29. The paper applies group representation theory to discuss the symmetrized ba - sis vectors of the four kinds of point group-Cn , Cnh , Cnv , Dnh and to find the generalized displacements associated with them .
