clock speed

美 [ˈklɑːk spiːd]英 [ˈklɒk spiːd]
  • n.时钟频率(计算机的运行速度)
clock speedclock speed


the speed at which a computer operates

This machine has a clock speed of 1.6GHz.


  1. This machine has a clock speed of 1.6GHz .


  2. The first is new " multi-core " processor chips , in which performance is improved not by increasing clock speed , but by building several processing engines , or " cores " , into each chip-a far more energy-efficient approach .


  3. Besides the clock speed , the technology used in a processor can affect performance .


  4. Each coin will affect the clock speed by 0.4 seconds per day .


  5. There are constraints on the CPU clock speed related to the baud rate .


  6. I would rather buy920 , and water cool it to achieve maximum clock speed .


  7. Intel had decided that the clock speed of its processors should be the standard for performance improvements .


  8. When processors operate at a lower clock speed , they consume proportionately less power and generate less heat .


  9. This dynamic scaling of the clock speed gives some control in throttling the system to consume less power when not operating at full capacity .


  10. The latency of memory is measured in nanoseconds as it is typically independent o ­ n processor clock speed .


  11. Operating at clock speed of 50 MHz in FPGA , the multiplier can meet the demand of DTR .


  12. Moreover , layout design is also included in this paper and some methods which can be used to improve the clock speed of the micro-processor are discussed , too .


  13. Time is short life ; but even if the target clock speed along with life , to one hour we end to this period of time was also engaged to spend too long .


  14. Gallium arsenide switches ten times faster than silicon All of a sudden , I 've got a clock speed ten times faster with no change in design .


  15. As the name implies , this governor 's goal is to get the maximum performance out of a system by setting the processor clock speed to the maximum level and leaving it there .


  16. Increasing the window size and the issue width to extract more ILP may hinder from achieving high clock speed , limiting over-all performance , especially for the forthcoming billion-transistor per-chip era .


  17. Dynamic frequency reconfiguration technology , which allows the clock speed of circuit module to be dynamically changed by software , supports some advantages , such as minimizing power draw and heat dissipation , extending module life , and so on .


  18. The industry and market needs to promote the performance of electronic systems . As the semiconductor technology advances , the on-chip clock speed and board-level clock speed increases yearly . High-speed circuit bandwidth has accessed to the traditional circuit microwave frequency bands .


  19. While its quad-core " Shanghai " Opterons reached a maximum frequency of2.3GHz , the six-core part had to give up some clock speed , down to1.8GHz , to manage the thermal load for six cores .


  20. Circuits Design of Hanging Clock and Speed Display for Automobiles


  21. The three controlling circuits with fast and low clock in code speed adjust technique are designed .


  22. The design makes the most of hardware resource Spartan-II chip , and adopts pipeline and parallel mode in order to improve the system clock and decode speed .


  23. Intel Core i5 and Core i7 operates well below its thermal and electrical limits , allowing the Turbo Boost to " overclock " the CPU clock frequency and speed .


  24. Clock study of high speed interleaving / multiplexing data-acquisition system


  25. Exploring Source Synchronous Clock Implementations for High Speed Interfaces


  26. The total result keeps the clock at the same speed . The general consequently promised to withdraw his troops speedily from Mexico .


  27. doing so won 't turn the clock back at warp speed ( if at all ) , and may even clog your pores or cause other damage .


  28. Unlike CISC processors , RISC engines generally execute each instruction in a single clock cycle , which typically results in faster execution than on a CISC processor with the same clock speed .


  29. In the entire structure , we choose multiphase data extraction technology to sample data . By using four-phase clock ( from CDR ) to sample the serial data , we can sample a high-speed serial data stream at a lower clock speed .


  30. After the number of clock cycle has been properly lengthened and the operations during the cycle simplified , the 1D DCT / IDCT can be executed within 8 clock cycles at high speed .
