clean class

美 [kliːn klæs]英 [kliːn klɑːs]
  • 网络洁净度
clean classclean class
  1. Measures the clean class for a practical engineering adopting air return from corridor , and the results show that the mode is feasible .


  2. Enter the decorator pattern , which allows you to add this functionality onto the AutomobileModel in a nice , clean class .


  3. Each group was fed ordinary particles , free water and feeding , sub-cage reared at 22 ± 2 ℃, humidity 70 % ± 5 % clean class animal laboratory .


  4. MATERIALS : This study was completed in Experimental Animal Centre of Shandong University during April to May 2002.Twenty-one recombinant inbred rats of clean class with body mass of ( 300 ± 2 ) grams were provided by Experimental Animal Centre of Shandong University .


  5. MATERIALS : The experiment was conducted in the Key Laboratory of Hand Function Reconstruction of Ministry of Public Health in Medical College of Fudan University from October 2000 to June 2002.Totally 10 male SD mice of clean class with body mass between 250 and 300 g were chosen .


  6. With automated migration , teams can regularly perform dry runs that deploy the code into a clean " production class " environment , where automated unit and system-level tests may be executed .


  7. If the broken or defective so as to affect the ship 's class are found , the buyer shall only demand the seller to make such defects good to the satisfaction of the Clean Certificate of Class rather than cancel the contract .


  8. The teacher asked us to clean the classroom after class .


  9. The teacher suggested that we ( should ) clean the blackboard after class .


  10. But for the rest of us , namespaces provides a clean way to organize class structures and , of course , prevent name collision .
